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Thread: Awonga Here we come!!!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Awonga Here we come!!!

    Hi Guys,
    I'm only a new member and a first timer when it comes to fresh water fishing. Myself and a mate are heading up to awonga to try and catch our first Barra over easter, with prob half of SEQ . If anyone has been there in the last week and got any advice for us it would be much appreciated . Were fishing out of a 5.2m prowler so if anyones heading up there and see s us feel free to come have a Chat. Thank you


    P.S Where going for C&R ONLY!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!

    Was up there last week and it was hard. 7 barra between 3 boats for 7 days. All but 1 fish came from the start of the Boyne. We were throwing 4" mad mullets in white with pink stripes. If the wind dies down a bit it will be easier to fish. Blew 25kn+ for the whole time we were up there.


  3. #3

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!

    Hey udlman, did you throw anything else other than mad mullets?
    Any hbs?

  4. #4

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!

    The mad mullet is a hard bait made by lively lures. We threw a few slick rigs and tsunami's around without any success at all. Not even a bump or short strike.

    We think it may be the profile of the MM that was working, as it is quite a deep bodied lure. Btw, they were the shallow diver as well.

    We saw plenty of fish on the bottom in 40 - 50 ft of water, but couldn't get anything.

    Even the catties were hard to get.


  5. #5

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!

    Yeh mate I know what mad mullets are.
    Just curious on your tactics,thats bloody tough fishing.
    Better luck next time.

  6. #6

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!


    I am a newbie. My account just got validated. I was at awonga 2 weeks ago. It was my first time there and I loved it, what a great place!! I caught an 80 cm barra on an f18 at pig creek. It was very tough fishing. I was chatting to a bloke who was in a group of 30 from a fishing club, they fished 4 days and landed only 3 fish amongst the group. I hope you have better luck. Shallow water seemed to be what everyone was recommending.

  7. #7

    Re: Awonga Here we come!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lampuki View Post

    I am a newbie. My account just got validated. I was at awonga 2 weeks ago. It was my first time there and I loved it, what a great place!! I caught an 80 cm barra on an f18 at pig creek. It was very tough fishing. I was chatting to a bloke who was in a group of 30 from a fishing club, they fished 4 days and landed only 3 fish amongst the group. I hope you have better luck. Shallow water seemed to be what everyone was recommending.
    Thanks yeah this is my first time for fresh water fishing full stop. Thanks for the advice.



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