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Thread: Redfin Release

  1. #1

    Redfin Release

    HI guys was watching Fishing Australia yesterday (SAT 15/03/08), presenter was fishing in the Murrumbidgee sysytem near Wagga I think(on the way to Windamere).He picked up a Redfin on the troll, showed it to the camera and then released it back into the water.My question is, should that have occurred? , I believe not as NSW DPI/Fsheries has a program at the moment (stand corrected) to try and erradicate these fish and release after capture is illegal.???.Nothing was mentioned on the program re this ?was it an old show?or does the presenter not know the regulations.He caught alot of Trout Cod whilst on the river as well, look like an awesome fish.Any way just a thought, do these presenters really understand the rules or are they not aware.
    Comments anybody.

  2. #2

    Re: Redfin Release

    I had that exact same thought. Might google it when i have a chance to see what i can find. That presenter drives insane, 5 min in the boat with him and one of us would be going in the drink.
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  3. #3

    Re: Redfin Release

    Have a look at

    Part of it says - Don’t return redfin to the water – large redfin are good sport and eating fish and there are no bag or size limits on them. Please keep ALL redfin you catch and don't release them into our waterways or dams.

    themissus - here in the west we have a show called Fishing Western Australia promoting that B#@ store and one of the clowns oops I mean presenters would not last 2 minutes b4 a large hook would be attached but I do not think even the sharks would take the bait


  4. #4

    Re: Redfin Release

    Last weekend I

  5. #5

    Re: Redfin Release

    Last weekend I thankfully(youll see why)recorded the 3 fishing shows that our local stations broadcast as I was busy through the day(pvr).Not saying which ones they were but you can guess.They went for a total of 90 minutes and what a suprise it took me a little over 20 minutes to watch the lot and I don't think I Learned anything or was inspired or enthralled by the action or knowledge imparted by the presenters.Seriously what do the producers of these shows think the fishing public are ?morons who will watch anything with scales.On one show it looked like the presenter was not catching fish , ?and I can't imagine I was the only one to think it , my 16 yr old son thought it was very dodgy.My concern is that these guys are producing dull un-interesting ,boring and repetitive shows that lack substance , values and knowledge that would encourage people to take up the sport/pastime.I'm thankfull that I did not waste time watching them live,fast forward is the best thing ever invented when it comes to these shows.Not even going to bother this weekend, I have been fishing at Gunnedah recently in the Namoi with no luck on 5 evenings,very low levels with minimal flow,better luck at lmcq at home on the weekends though with good bream on the flats. next week it's Keepit's turn
    Great Fishing IAN

  6. #6

    Re: Redfin Release

    Quote Originally Posted by themissus View Post
    I had that exact same thought. Might google it when i have a chance to see what i can find. That presenter drives insane, 5 min in the boat with him and one of us would be going in the drink.
    Cheers Kim.
    Re the presenter.......couldn't agree more,saw him take the line off a kid who had hooked a nice fish once when they were jety fishing,he proceeded to waffle on about what a great fish it was and didn't give the kid a look in untill he (the presenter) landed it, instantly took a dislike to him.As for the Redfin,I've always been of the opinion that they were not to be returned.

  7. #7

    Re: Redfin Release

    Quote Originally Posted by themissus View Post
    I had that exact same thought. Might google it when i have a chance to see what i can find. That presenter drives insane, 5 min in the boat with him and one of us would be going in the drink.
    Cheers Kim.

    OH thats a big one............ lets get him back in the water.


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