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Passage jack attack
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Thread: Passage jack attack

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Passage jack attack

    Friday arvo i get the message from Brett "hey what you doin tomorrow" i was keen for a fish but the wind was looking very indifferent. I gave him a call and after waying up the options we decide to give the canoe a burn up the top of the passage looking for jacks despite the tide not being the best. We rocked up fairly early set up the canoe and leccy and we are fishing just before 6. The tide had peaked and was just starting to turn and run out. The water clarity was pretty good, visibility was down to a bit more than a metre with the faintest of blue tinges.

    5 mintues in and we just start onto some of the better water and my lure gets ghosted (ghosted is a new term i've come up with just for short hitting jacks. It's when they come flying out of the snag at warp speed but miss your lure the same way a monster flashes accross the screen when you least expect it in horror movies). "F@#$ me Bretty did you just see the size of that fish". It was easily 50cm, a few minutes later a couple of snags up the same thing happens again with a fish slightly smaller but still lokking 50ish.

    We continue fishing our way up, i was wondering why the leccy wasn't behaving and realised that it had rotated around 180degrees and was actually on back to front . Oh well it's still working so we keep fishing. I cast my lure at a solid fallen tree and run it down the trunk, a few metres into the retrieve and i watch a nice little mid 30's jack jump out from under the log and slam my lure. It was a spirited fight but he was no match for the 3kgs of drag intended for the 50cm fish i'd seen earlier. Perfect size for my pool but i didn't bring the esky and an aerator.

    Brett is getting peeved now because the plan was to get him onto his first jack and so far all he'd had was a few half hearted bumps. We continue fishing our way up for another hour or so with the water becoming increasingly dirtier as the tide dropped. Just as i was thinking the bite was over brett gets slammed, his rod loads up but the jack had strange idea's instead of running back to the snag in swam straight up and did a bit of a head shake on the surface spitting Brett's lure. Seeing the fish may not have been a good thing, Brett was filthy as having just dropped another fish around the 50 mark. Shortly after we made it up as far as we could go since a bunce of freshly fallen gum trees had blocked off the creek. We fished our way back out for a few more bumps aswell as Brett getting another 'ghosting" by a sub 40 fish.

    All in all another enjoyable trip, i neglected the jacks all summer but based on the results from this morning i'll be putting in a few more trips during favourable tides before the weather cools. Another note was e also saw 7 or 8 little bullies cruising the surface.

    Tight lines all
    Last edited by Jeremy87; 15-03-2008 at 05:27 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Passage jack attack

    well done and nice fish. keep it up.

    Breaming is my LIFE!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Passage jack attack

    what lures did the job?

  4. #4

    Re: Passage jack attack

    fantastic jack and session well done.

  5. #5

    Re: Passage jack attack

    You got to love Jack fishing, nothing better than seeing a solid fish hit your lure like a freight train

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Passage jack attack

    We had responses from reidy's little lucifers and smith cherry bloods. I would like to fish a slack tide high and cast some weightless prawns like 4 inch prongs at the smae snags and see what response i get, tide was too strong today so you risk fowling the bottom too often with heavier jig heads.

  7. #7

    Re: Passage jack attack

    Nice stuff jeremy. Good eyes to see all those bullies and jacks mate.

  8. #8

    Re: Passage jack attack

    Wouldnt have thought the tide was running that hard up there at that stage mate. Thats some awesome sight fishing for bris vegas. Might keep my peepers open next time I'm out. Cheers.

  9. #9

    Re: Passage jack attack

    Thats so frustrating seeing big jacks that miss the lure, Ive had that too. Seems no matter how long I stay and cast at the spot, they will ignore the lure after the first miss. Do you reckon they become aware of the boat, and you might as well move on? I do. Seems most hits come from casting ahead of the boat in virgin territory.

    I like the Reidys LL as well. The B52s have worked better for me tho.


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Passage jack attack

    sorry double up
    Last edited by Jeremy87; 16-03-2008 at 07:26 PM.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Passage jack attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Creek Vermin View Post
    Wouldnt have thought the tide was running that hard up there at that stage mate. Thats some awesome sight fishing for bris vegas. Might keep my peepers open next time I'm out. Cheers.
    I was running hard but not mega hard, alot of these skinny water creeks really get a trun of speed just as the tide changes. I didn't have any jigheads the right size so the plastics were taken out of the repertoire.

    Quote Originally Posted by the gecko View Post
    Thats so frustrating seeing big jacks that miss the lure, Ive had that too. Seems no matter how long I stay and cast at the spot, they will ignore the lure after the first miss. Do you reckon they become aware of the boat, and you might as well move on? I do. Seems most hits come from casting ahead of the boat in virgin territory.

    I like the Reidys LL as well. The B52s have worked better for me tho.

    Yeh mate i see the same thing alot with skinny water bass when sight casting in the shallows, you only ever catch the fish that haven't seen you. With the jacks i like to take note of that snag and come back later that day and give it a bash, it has paid of once or twice. As you said the long casts ahead of you are often the most productive, it really emphasises the need for good gear and accurate casting. The big fish brett dropped came from a long forward cast and the little one i landed came out from under a snag where it couldn't see the canoe from. I find the ghostings increase with water clarity aswell.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member ddobson's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Passage jack attack

    Well done jeremy that sounds like a full day of solid hits and a frustrating day for your mate. Seems the water temps still keep the jacks in the river for even me to have a last ditch effort to bag me one before its to late. Cheers.

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