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Thread: Cheers Boys

  1. #1

    Cheers Boys

    Hey there to all those that love "fishing".................Used to spend all my younger years going down the "Great Ocean Road" every school holidays rock fishing or from piers and occasionally from a boat.................loved it with a passion especially from the rocks and searching for nice deep holes and catching shit loads of parrot fish and rock cod.........if we were lucky enough "King George Whiting"..........I didnt really realise what i was missing out on when i used to throw them back in due to the fact i didnt want to go through all the gutting process etc.......They are the best eating fish in Victoria without a dout for me..........and i have chased them with a passion ever since using crappy reels and rods till now...............Just started really working out the locations as to where to search to catch these babys................But all in all give me the outdoors and the ocean and a rod in my hand and im as happy if not "happier"..........then the other rod in my hand...................hehe...............cheers boys

  2. #2

    Re: Cheers Boys

    Welcome to Ausfish !!


  3. #3

    Re: Cheers Boys

    Welcome to the site,i hope you get some great tips


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