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Thread: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

  1. #16

    Exclamation Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    Quote Originally Posted by ffejsmada View Post
    Mate, just go and buy a Daiwa Certate 2000.

    Perfect marriage.


    Perfect Marriage??? Maybe if your looking for a devorce, Stick with the SHIMANO.

    Not to put down your comment but there is not much speical about a Daiwa Certate other than the most expencive price.

    As i have said in my post, You have the SHIMANO T Curve, Match it with a SHIMANO Sustain MGFB...

    Last edited by BarraBandit; 13-03-2008 at 06:04 PM.

  2. #17

    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    Thanks for the replys ...........It really helps...............I just called Aussie Angler which is the closest fishing tackle place to where i live.................I was asking prices etc and advice and they all seemed to think the Shimano Stella is a much over rated reel...........Daiwa being much the superior........I asked about a Daiwa Saltiga for my T-cure rod and the guy said they dont make reels that light to suit my that correct?.....also there prices are a joke they want over 600 for the daiwa certate which someone recommended ...............But thanks again for the advice boys ...........and is anyone interested in buying my daiwa 4000 reel......................ill sell it for 150$ cause ill put it towards the reel i want

  3. #18
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    Hi KGL,

    Everyone of coarse has there own likes and dislikes. I have worked my way up through a fair range of quality reels starting with rubbish and working my way to the high end.

    T-curve is a nice rod and I like your way of thinking in terms of quality counting. I used to love my sustains until I bought a certate.....which I loved until I bought a certate finesse custom....then a certate hyper custom. My point is I've tried a few.

    I definatley rate daiwa above shimano for price and quality.

    The saltiga's are a heavy game real and don't come any smaller than a 3500. WAY TO BIG for bream...think king fish big.

    If you are happy to spend a reasonable amount but not a fortune- the 2000 certate is a great start. If you are only using the outfit for bream, whiting and small flathead, have a look at the Certate finesse custom 2004 (size not year).

    There are higher options like steez and exist but to be honest I would match these to a higher quality rod. If you are as keen on tackle as you sound, get the best thing you can and upgrade whatever you need to later.

    Keep the 4000 unless you can get a good price for it. You can get a rod to suit it later.

    Quality, size and weight counts!

    Good luck! Hope this helps some

  4. #19
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    By the way, DONT spend more than $515 on a certate. You can get them cheaper online but then you have to wait.

    If you still crave saltiga...I think the certate hyper custom 2500r has saltiga gears and is very sweet. I'm getting one tomorrow!

  5. #20

    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuo View Post
    By the way, DONT spend more than $515 on a certate. You can get them cheaper online but then you have to wait.

    If you still crave saltiga...I think the certate hyper custom 2500r has saltiga gears and is very sweet. I'm getting one tomorrow!
    ................Like what you said in your previous post...................."Made alot of Sense"............and yeah i crave the Saltiga gear ratio.................."I want quality for this rod"..................Do you think the best reel for this rod is a Certate Hyper Custom 2500r?...............Dont worry about price when answering this question

  6. #21

    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on


    I really dont think any Certate is worth the money, still better off with the SHIMANO that will never fail and has a 10yr warrenty (Aus model) Not that you will ever need it.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    I dont want to advise you on a match I wouldn't make. I think the reels you are looking at outclass the t-curve by a fair bit. T-curve is nice but I'm not sure its hypercustom nice. You can always upgrade the rod later to suit the reel so either way its not a waste. I still use 2 tcurves as backups with my 2 shimano sustains and they do the job.....just not as nicely.

    If you want to splash out, you won't regret the hyper custom. If you want to splash out more, have a good look at the exist....thats a step i've not yet taken.

    Consider before you buy what sort of fishing you will be doing. The hyper custom is a very powerful reel that would handle some very large fish (above the tcurves capabilities) Double check about the saltiga gears because I'm not 100% positive.

    If you mainly fish whiting and bream go for the custom finesse, the exist(about $929) or inbetween is the very nice steez (only aus model is made for salt so don't import this reel.

    Reason to go for a lighter reel is that they have smoother drag on lighter line.

    One reason wht I like daiwa better is the spool on the 1000 size shimano sustain is too small and it doesn't cast well IMO. When I upgraded to the finesse custom on the same rod (smith bayliner) I kept overcasting because there was so little resistance.

    Think hard about what sort of fishing you are doing and remember daiwas dont come with spare spools so you have to spend more if you want to run two line classes.

    Hope this helps. Ask me any more questions you like but do your own research and take your rod in to get a feel for what suits it best.

  8. #23

    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    I've got a Shimano Sahara 2500 and it's a beautiful reel and it's quite cheap around the 130 to $140. Look at the Sahara they're great so are the Daiwa Sol.

    Cheers Tom

  9. #24

    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    Hey dont want people blewing here.................................I appreciate all the advice ...................I understand what suits some dont suit others.........."thats life"..........................What i have definately realised is..............The set up i had,i really liked the rod more then the reel...........and yeah i think i am looking for a reel to blow me away in which turn will be to good for the rod....................Still willing to go for a fantastic reel and maybe update the rod later if i feel i want to...................It comes down to 2 options for me.........."daiwa certate hyper custom".............or and what i think and excites me the most due to light weight..................."Daiwa Exist"..........pricey yes.........but thats the way it goes if you are fussy and want pure enjoyment................Hey i really appreciate all the replys and no point arguing about if the suns going to come up in the moring boys......................."Its all good"................Just going to try and get the best prices i can on either reel..........................and hopefully update my rod accordingly................Being a basic beginner in the terms of expensive equipment...........The T-curve really got me going................All i wanted was a reel to do the same thing............................Cheers and thanks again for all those that tryed to help.......................................regards

  10. #25
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: Need Opinions on some new gear i spashed out on

    No worries

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