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Dugon Polution Message
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Thread: Dugon Polution Message

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Dugon Polution Message

    Did anyone see the great add on water polution on TV?

    It features a dugon carrying an armfull of rubbish/litter into a family home and dumping it onto the floor and then leaving.

    I believe it will get the message across to the younger generation. The amount of litter in our waterways is increasing and teaching them young is a good solution. THE KIDS WILL THEN SHAME THE ADULTS INTO NOT LITTERING.

    Do others agree?


  2. #2

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    Absolutely agree, the only excuse for littering waterways is if you accidentally cut your own arm off while holding a bag of bait and they both went over the side. You would probably try to get your arm back anyway, so really there is no excuse at all.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    Quote Originally Posted by baitwaster View Post
    Absolutely agree, the only excuse for littering waterways is if you accidentally cut your own arm off while holding a bag of bait and they both went over the side. You would probably try to get your arm back anyway, so really there is no excuse at all.
    Agree with that! And speaking of arms, i watched a video on youtube last night 'croc attack' of footage from this crocodile farm where the guy is in front of the croc that has its mouth open. He whacks the croc's nose about 8 times then puts his hand in the mouth and the croc just bit down on his arm then did the death roll and his arm was left a mangled mess.
    Pretty sad and gruesome but he was provoking the beast and it's natural instincts came into play.

  4. #4

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    Unfortunately there is no way possible to shame 14 to 25 year olds. I am forever having trouble with my own and every other kid that age being completely ignorant of anything except for thier fun. It's getting close to the old "Bring Back Corporal Punishment" debate again for the zillionth time. A good weighty size 11 up the ring gear would certianly bring them to thier senses but would their conscience be soon overrun again by thier desire to have fun and be ignorant once more? Catch 22.

    I have taken my own kids fishing in my boat several times and when cleaning out the boat i ask where the plastic bags and old line are? Twice one daughter has said "I cleaned out your boat on the way home". A tension headache soon sets in and a big toe starts to twitchin i tell ya. At 17 you think she would know better. Anyone want a pretty little party girl to help keep thier house in disarray?


  5. #5

    Angry Re: Dugon Polution Message

    Jack, try multiplying that by 12 or 15.. I help out at Scouts as my son is in Cub Scouts, and I tell ya last night was horrendous, the amount of mess they made, and walked away from was amazing..when I reprimanded one of them I got this look of horror as if to say how dare you, then the "whateva" and "your'e not the boss of me" response and the kid walked away.

    Respect for others, and the environment starts at home IMO
    Last edited by Dirtysanchez; 12-03-2008 at 03:23 PM.
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  6. #6

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    My brother is a Cub Scout leader too, and most parents simply use it as a child-minding service unfortunately.

    When I was in Scouts, I was well acquainted with the bum full of blundstone technique LOL.

    Jack - thanks for the warning, my daughter is nearly 1 year old............ I hope I haven't created a monster!!! - from all reports, I had better enjoy it while it lasts.

    AAAhhhhh - the good old days.

  7. #7

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    I remember when I was a Troop Leader in Scouts, I made sure those in my troop were acustomed to the leave it as you found it rule. Took a few trips away without the parents into the bush, a midnight rally into the fourbies then a 10 mile hike back to the campsite to get it to sink in, it worked though.

    Yes, the good ol'days.

  8. #8

    Re: Dugon Polution Message

    Yes, they sstill do a few of those things guys, but the belligerence of some of these kids just floors me..they certainly need a boot in the bum to wake them up, but it's not on anymore.
    Same as the park I live next door to, kids ride round on their bikes, and they finish a can of drink and turf the can on the ground.. I probably should stow them away, I'd end up with a reasonable haul for the aluminium value, if they still do that ?
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

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