Sorry Ida,
got my Jewgurus mixed up
Sorry Ida,
got my Jewgurus mixed up
Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds
- 469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
- 50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
- Heaps of extras, in top condition
Definately friend when Marlin fishing. They are a good sign bait is about both inshore and on the shelf. On the shelf Pilot Whales are also good signposts. They do knock off the odd Slimey and Mack Tuna though. We hooked and played a Dolphin last year on a circle hook at Port Stephens. It went bloody hard.
Can be a pain at times
There was one down the tweed area last year that use to pick the pillies off ya Gangs without any problems
Also started bitting off the tails of my 7" Nucler chicken Gulps
Ya just could fish the mark when he was around and had to move ,and if ya never moved far enough ,would follow
I think dolphins are just great. However , if they turn up, all the fish p*ss off like Jack Newton does when he sees a ceiling fan.
We were heading out to the Gneerings on morning & a pod of dolphins came for a play.
My daughter absolutely loves dolphins, & this is a moment she has never forgotten & quite often talks about.
So I would be happy to stop fishing for a short time while they were hanging around just to see that smile on her face again.![]()
What a cool photo!
Saint Andrew, Patron Saint of fishing and fisherman, Pray for us!
Cheers for all the great replies guys,
seems they are not seen as that bad after all, by most anyway,
& yes, I do agree that certain fish will make a retreat in their presence, but not for long.
I have just come back from a week of fishing at Stradie and we had the dolphins around us quite often. They left our lines and any fish we hooked alone, they
were more interested in the large sea mullet on the run at the time.
I don't really mind them hanging around they are awesome to watch going flat out chassing a feed![]()
Hey Muzz
Have had the pleasure of their company many time's and happy to report all good!
My first close encounter was when i was in my very early teens spear fishing around the rock wall at point Cartwright , swam out to the end of the wall in far too much water to see the bottom , and had several very large images coming into view,knowing i was where i probably shouldn't have been and way out of my comfort zone , the worst come's to mind! I'M DEAD SH@$K
To my great relief it was a pack of dolphin's. I can honelestly say , I still don't recall a time I've been more terified except that time i had to tell the girlfriend's dad that well you know how that one end's![]()
Anyhow imagine going from felling like it's all over with no say , ta going into feeling so at one with your surroundings & so comfortable that if you did die , it would be ok.
Sounds deranged but that's when my passion for the ocean began!
Had them follow the boat looking for an easy feed when rebaiting pot's in all depths of of water , follow behind trawler's once again looking for the easy feed , camping on Moreton , had then swimming amongst us on their way to Tangalooma , and of course riding the wake of a boat doing anyting from 5 ta 50 knot's.
Their is no question they are everywhere!
Some 30+ year's later and would hope a little wiser , still have a soft spot for em *sigh*
In fact they are truly extremely intelligent!!!! In fact more intelligent than some people!
Their was a TV show i recall many years ago i'm sure it was called "Flipper" and the star of the show was yes you guess it ,a dolphin. We'll the amount of time's i saw this dolphin ramming into the side of a shark killing it instantally was to say the least very impressive , it's now wonder some people believe that shark's are acualtly scared of dolphin's.Try telling that to Vic Heslop! (Shark Killer).
I could go on but your probably already boarded with it so far so make up your own mind as alot of recomendations are from a poor resorce.
Rull of thump in life that will never let you down is don't believe anyting you here or read and only half of what you see!
Cheer's for now