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Dolphins, fishing friend or foe
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Thread: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    This may well have been done before,
    just didnt wish to Hi-jack another current thread,
    there seemed to be a general opinion that dolphins are bad for the fishing?

    Is this confined to river or estuary fishing ?
    My jew fish mentor has convinced me they aren't a bad thing at all.

    Personally, I love finding a big pod of dolphins at sea.

    On one such occasion, we found a huge pod, about an acre, working the surface over a reef we had come to fish in about 60 mtrs.
    We never had a problem with them all day, it was really good fun to see the big grey ones so close.
    They never touched a fish on the way up, or a bait on the way down, not even livies we caught out there.

    We did find that they love Seargent Bakers though, even the big ones, not one made it back to the bottom.
    The big dolphins would come up to the fish, it looked like they looked for a hook or line,
    give it a nudge with their nose & just scoop it up , was great to watch.

    What's the general opinion??


  2. #2

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe


    They're harmless and extremely intelligent. Also good to have around if there are sharks, as sharks are scared of them. I think there'd be a lot more issues with sharks if dolphins became extinct.

    It's actually not a good idea to feed them deliberately, and it'd be frustrating if they kept taking your catches, but they don't come on land and steal our steak filets so I just do my best to move away from them. The ocean's a big place!

    Here's a link I posted in another thread about what to do when encountering Dolphins when fishing.

    Here's the link! Just click on the "When you see a dolphin whilst fishing" link and "Boating with dolphins" link.
    Saint Andrew, Patron Saint of fishing and fisherman, Pray for us!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Never had a problem with them,muzz.
    Like you I find it a real joy to see them.
    On a recent trip we came upon a small pod with tiny little babies that were mirroring there mothers and cresting out of the water.I stopped the boat until they moved on.
    It turned out to be a good omen as we had a ripper of a trip.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member Tetsuo's Avatar
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    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    I havent decided wether they affect the fishing or not but they are always a welcome sight when I'm out.

    I was fishing at the beacons off Moreton Island with a friend one day and a dolphin hit a raider lure he was jigging off the bottom. Pretty exciting till we realised what it was. The dolphin came up and splashed around on the surface so we snapped the line. I would have thought dolphins would have been smarter than that.

    I'd rather have a dolphin problem than no dolphins at all.

  5. #5

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Looks like I've opened a can of worms!!! Dolphins are definently friends just a little frustrating at times.I'd rather be watching,fishing or swimming with dolphins than sharks anyday.

  6. #6

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Have never had a problem with having them around after a day last year where we appeared to be being herded by this pod while trying to get out of their way, so we stopped when they stopped and put the anchor out and proceeded to have the best days fishing we'd had for ages!..without moving.

    Always look forward to seeing them on a trip.


  7. #7

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    I'm just happy they don't eat my live mullet when fishing for jewies, even though they are eating all the other mullet around them.

    Hey Muzz, what does rabbs reckon about jewies & dolphins?

    Last edited by Jackinthebox; 10-03-2008 at 05:33 PM.
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  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Had them spook tailor in the surf a heap of times. Often see the dolphins come from kilometres away when onto a school. Foe in this situation. Less of a prob offshore tho have had them take a fair few mac tuna.

  9. #9

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    i cant stand them, sometimes out near tangalooma we lose 1 out of 2 fish to them. they are cool to watch but not while catching fish...

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    What does rabbs reckon about jewies & dolphins? Compatible?

    Can only repeat that I have been convinced that they are a good thing.


  11. #11
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Bloody pest eat all the burley when snapper fishing and knock off every under sized fish thrown back.Friggin seaworld rejects.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    There is a pod of six or so dolphins that regularly visits Harrys in moreton bay, dont seem to bother the fish at all, catch just as many with them or without em.

    I see the same, wont touch the bait, dont take a fish on the way up, but you return an undersize squire, man poor little buggers dont stand a chance.

    I figure the dolphins are just like people - inherently lazy.


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    I saw them heard up the biggest ever school of mullet at Point lookout. It was the biggest gathering of fish ever. I stopped fishing just to watch and I sat down for the next half hour. A pod of 30 came and hearded them up againt the rock wall and tail whacked them with 360 flips at my feet. They watched me, I watched them in less than 2 metres away. They had the school pushed right in to the surf life saving club, that was until the commercial fishos jumped in with their boats, and collected several tonnes of fish. That was the end of the day. It was the most excellent sight to see (not the boats tho!). They are smart and they worked hard to heard this huge school in.
    Last edited by DICER; 11-03-2008 at 07:44 AM.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    muzz as you know i love em round when fishing for jew!Ireckon they help by keepin the mullet in close to where we fish.also makes for some good viewin when they smack the mullet.Might have to go have a look soon muzz see if we can find some bait . cheers ida

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Dolphins, fishing friend or foe

    Sounds good to me bloke, , freezer stocks are getting a bit low.

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