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people are fishing heavy braids because it is so thin for it's breaking strain.
personally, i think it accounts for more than a few broken rods. It doesn't matter how heavy your line is,you shouldn't fish above what your rod is rated at. a simple way is to put maximum deflection in your rod & set your reel to give line when you reach that point as the rod loads. In close it won't make much difference, but remember as a fish takes line, the drag pressure increases, so you need to back the drag off a bit. easiest way, put a nice working curve in your rod, set drag & go fishing, this gives a bit of room for error in the overload department. a rod can only go so far & it will collapse as it has no more to give. I think a lot will point the rod at a fish & thumb the spool for extra drag pressure as it does not put strain on the rod..
hope this helps a bit