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Thread: Monduran Quickie

  1. #1

    Monduran Quickie

    Gday fishos, I could allmost have titled this report "Monduran Casting Practice", cause the end result was the same.
    With no work on for Saturday, I scooted up to the dam Friday night and kicked out the swag for an early start Saturday morning.
    Increased water levels have made all my old favourite snags a thing of the past, so these next few trips will be reccy work until I can figure out the new lie of the land, so to speak.
    Anyways, plan was to fish Rainforest Bay early, a chilly run up the basin in the pre-dawn dark had me pokeing in on the kota before sun up, flicking classics with the aid of the headlamp.
    The peace and quiet was only temporary however,when a nice little 890 boofed the lure on the top of the water boatside just as I was about to lift the Gaddens clear, near gave me a heart attack that fish in the dark, water sprayed everywhere.
    Needless to say I flogged that bay pretty hard, for no more barrys, but a nice bass, my second from Monduran, and a catty with a head like a miners shovel, were the only other fish to come to the boat.
    Spent the rest of the day pokeing around into little bays, finishing up at H in the sticks, for absolutely zero, nada, nothing, not even a catty.
    Late arvo, I headed back to the mornings spot and sounded out some bait with fish hanging off it in the entrance to a little bay, so I banked the Quinnie and started casting. Half an hour in, tap and smash as a big girl takes a likeing to the RMG Scorpoin Ive ben throwing, a half hearted jump and a big head shake and the lures back at my feet, big fish now un-attatched.
    I dont know what guted me the most, dropping that fish after a tuff day on the water or the realization that there were now exactly 999 casts to go till I hook up again.
    That was it, another 100 casts for no action and I pulled the pin, packed up early on Sunday morn and home in time to take the missus out for a countery at the local.

    Facts and figures : water temps were 23.5 at the ramp at 4.30Am on Saturday, around 26 to 27 in most of the flooded bays, reaching 29 up at H in the hottest part of the day.

    The sou-easter was a bloody pain in the bum, gusting up and generally makeing life difficult. Must have been a few frustated salties up there judgeing by some of the rigs/crews I saw on the water.

    Water clarity has improved greatly from two weeks ago, now more tea coloured instead of mud.

    Most crews I spoke to had at least seen a fish or two, but there were a couple who had been up for a couple of days and were still on donuts.

    Basin trolling mob was still hard at it, though I dont know results.

    Goose of the week goes to the bloke who insisted on trolling the bank in the little bay I was fishing in the arvo, despite the fact I had the boat on the bank casting, the bay was only 20 meters wide and I was reasonably pleasant in asking him not to.

    Thats it, Im up again after Easter hopefully, see how we go then
    Last edited by BR65; 09-03-2008 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Thanks for the report Brian. Thats a nice bass, few of them start getting caught as it cools.

    If it warms up juuuuust a little bit more the barra should come on again!


  3. #3

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Thanks Brian, great to hear the water is clearing up, bummer about the temp though!

    There's nothing that beats getting the lure slammed next to the boat for waking you up


  4. #4

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Hard going mate I bet it was still nice to get up in the sticks away from the trolling hord of the last trip.

    Cheers Nath

  5. #5

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Good report Brian, not so good Barra wise, I have yet to catch a Bass although I don't target them, but sometimes u don't need to (egressive little buggars). I normally focus on targeting Barra and many a time come up empty handed, If I do get a Barra or 2 it is always a bonus, Cheers Whitto

  6. #6

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Top report Brian.....despite the lack of barra success, it was still very informative. Top pics as well.


  7. #7

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Good report Brian.

    I spent most of Saturday morning casting in some small bays just up past area D so you must have gone by at some stage. Your result was slightly better than ours.

    Good decision to leave Sunday morning as the wind got up quite early. We had whitecaps in area B!!



  8. #8

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Thanks for another great report and good pics as well.
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  9. #9

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Quote Originally Posted by Tropicaltrout View Post
    Hard going mate I bet it was still nice to get up in the sticks away from the trolling hord of the last trip.

    Cheers Nath
    Felt like comeing home Nath, they can keep that basin gig

    Quote Originally Posted by Whitto View Post
    Good report Brian, not so good Barra wise, I have yet to catch a Bass although I don't target them, but sometimes u don't need to (egressive little buggars). I normally focus on targeting Barra and many a time come up empty handed, If I do get a Barra or 2 it is always a bonus, Cheers Whitto
    Aggressive allright Whitto, little buger smashed a 120 classic, the barra gear made short work of him, but a bass that size in the sticks on 8lb, that would be fun

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter4 View Post
    Good report Brian.

    I spent most of Saturday morning casting in some small bays just up past area D so you must have gone by at some stage. Your result was slightly better than ours.

    Good decision to leave Sunday morning as the wind got up quite early. We had whitecaps in area B!!


    Pete, kept my eyes open for you and son mate, even went for a wander thru the camp late Fri nite when I got in, but didnt know what your tub looked like and didnt see any Ausfish stickers anywhere, would have liked to catch up, maybe next time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Callop View Post
    Thanks for another great report and good pics as well.
    your welcome mate

  10. #10

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Gday fellas,

    Its like brian said theres still a few fish to be had at monduran but its bloody difficult to convince em to bite. we were there last week and got alot of catties and a couple of nice bass. 5 hookups on the barra and none in the boat( 2 bust offs and 3 flicked lures) very heart breaking especially the lovely 90-110 which come right up to the next to the boat and then did a runner pulling the line perfectly behind his gill plate and busting us off. Also thought we were onto a really good fish spooling off line only to find it was a 72cm cattie which shattered my tilsan barra into pieces. anyway thats fishing.

    ps. the wind while we were up there was a real mongrel

    Cheers potsy

  11. #11

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Good honest report Brian. Thanks mate
    Sounds like its tough going out there. Do you think the rotting veg. is having a big impact on the fish???
    Or is it that the cold water temps have slowed them down?-boat traffic of late?-low barometer???
    Who knows-you have been smacking em of late so one bad trip aint too bad

  12. #12

    Thumbs up Re: Monduran Quickie

    Thanx for the report Brian, I'm heading up with a few of the boys in April, might take my Bass gear up as backup. Good thing is I've got 5 or 6 weeks to hit the gym to build up that casting arm, sounds like I'm going to need it if I want to hook my 1st Barra!!!! If I come up empty it won't be through lack of trying!!!! Cheers

  13. #13

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Quote Originally Posted by eotbmg View Post
    Good honest report Brian. Thanks mate
    Sounds like its tough going out there. Do you think the rotting veg. is having a big impact on the fish???
    Or is it that the cold water temps have slowed them down?-boat traffic of late?-low barometer???
    Who knows-you have been smacking em of late so one bad trip aint too bad
    Dunno mate, Ive caught them in colder water, so temps were a downer, but not the be all and end all.
    This is my first go at fishing a riseing/recently risen impoundment, so its all new to me.
    Me thinkst I need to branch out a little, not rely so much on spots where I caught fish before, start getting the noggin working again.
    Only a couple of weeks now and I can put some new theorys to the test up there
    see what you love about that surface fishing, that middlin fish that crunched me on the top end of the retrieve in the dark scared the liveing you know what out of me, great stuff

  14. #14

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    nice bass mate, i saw one similar floating in the main baisen when i wast up there. shame really

  15. #15

    Re: Monduran Quickie

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Dunno mate, Ive caught them in colder water, so temps see what you love about that surface fishing, that middlin fish that crunched me on the top end of the retrieve in the dark scared the liveing you know what out of me, great stuff
    The surface stuff rocks, big time. I am going to fish 50-60% surface on the Anzac day fishing fiesta.
    Are you up there during that period?????

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