mmmm squid, Tiger prawns, bugs, abolone, flounder, whiting, flathead, mud crabs, crayfish, flake. I havn't eaten baramundi, snapper , coral trout. Etc
But I think the only definitive result we are going to get is when you invite us to an all you can eat buffet
There is a take away at Tinaroo tourist park that does barramundi spring rolls now they are nice.
Threadfin are tops from the ocean along with mahi mahi and barra cooked in butter. Smanish and tuna smoked rate highly. Flathead also rate.![]()
pearl perch, snapper, jacks, sw barra
Pearl Perch are unbeatable! Nothing beats a good Pearly. Melts in ya mouth everytime...
Barramundi cod for me also, when they were still on the menu..
Followed closely by coral trout which equals red emp.
I find steamed coral trout is very hard to beat especially they are fresh and wholed.
Humility is not a weather condition.
If you like fish in general, it's pretty hard to pick the best. i mean .... all fish have different flavour, and even the same species taste different at times.
Any fish that needs all the additives out of the pantry has got to be lacking.
Best on the plate ? ...... coral trout is up there in my view, but then so is the humble whiting ... and those pesky moses perch.
Cooked correctly, golden perch is great ... as is eel tail catties.
The most over rated? .... barra.
yeah i go through stages and get cravings for certan fish but right now mangrove jack is on the table every week and i'm loving it.
Cooked up a feed for some mates, red emperor, Trout and pearlies, all caught that day…..the mates where all rabbitting on how they like this one better then that one……until they ate it and was asked what was what….they had no idea, who cares there all top fish as is jack and fingermark .
can't beat venus tusk fish ,or a small fresh mako.
Catfish from a billabong !!! arhhh
love it !
Catfish from a billabong !!! arhhh
Love it !!
Red Throat Sweet lip fantastic feed, Snapper, Bara and love whiting but just to much mucking around to fillet and bone the buggers![]()