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Thread: Best eating fish

  1. #16

    Re: Best eating fish

    I'm with Disorderly, Barramundi Cod. Ahhh memories.
    Gold spot cod's up there to.

  2. #17

    Re: Best eating fish

    Fingermark is the best. The cooking is the secret to all fish. Very hot pan or grill and lightly seasoned. Lemon and dill is great.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Best eating fish

    Quote Originally Posted by Dezzer View Post
    I'm with Disorderly, Barramundi Cod. Ahhh memories.
    Gold spot cod's up there to.
    They are good tucker alright.
    These days,though,they get the kiss and release treatment from me.
    As for those who believe coral trout is overated....well it's a delicate flesh and care is needed when cooking but when done right it should just about melt in your mouth....mmmm... yummm
    Of the other commonly caught fish,a piece of battered Spanish mac is right up there with the best.


  4. #19

    Re: Best eating fish

    I reckon you gotta go a long way to beat parrot. I just cooked some up last night that was in the freezer and it was still as good as the day I caught it.


  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Best eating fish

    I reckon you cant go past a bit of really fresh tailor, straight from the water to the fire

  6. #21

    Re: Best eating fish

    Quote Originally Posted by major-defect View Post
    Hi Cameron next time your baking a coral trout try stuffing it with slices of mango and put some around it too then wrap em up,one of the best ideas I've ever had.The mango really complements the fish.Despite living in NQ I still can't go past fresh winter whiting fillets,been a while since I had any though.
    Yeah sounds good ,actually i stuffed the head and shoulders of this trout with lemon murtyle WOW that is an ingredient made for fish.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Silver Member Shagga's Avatar
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    Re: Best eating fish

    Very hard to go past Whitting.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Gold Member Nic's Avatar
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    Re: Best eating fish

    Spaniard is great in a curry or marinara, as it holds its shape really well, but I wouldn't dream of eating it 'neat' when there's fingermark and nannies in the freezer! I guess we're all divided as to whether we like stronger flavoured flesh or a sweeter, more delicate flavoured fish.

  9. #24

    Re: Best eating fish

    Pearl Perch simmered in milk, cast in shallots , parsley, chop up tomatoes, soon as the flesh goes white, serve up, yummie.
    Coral Trout goes well same way.
    Go small on ingredients
    Getting hungry see yar
    Cheers Ged.

  10. #25

    Re: Best eating fish

    Pearlies are number one for me. I also rate Coral Trout and Parrot/Tuskies, Flathead and Whiting right up there. It been so long since I have eaten Red Emperor that its a bit vauge but I liked it at the time
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  11. #26

    Re: Best eating fish

    Most succulent and flavoursome fish I have eaten is Scorpion Rock Cod, favorite fish to eat is whiting.
    Both are right up there with dolphin burgers too heheh.


  12. #27
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Best eating fish

    My best is red throat sweetlip, then whiting. Coral trout are excellent if cooked correctly. Polky.

  13. #28

    Re: Best eating fish

    Whiting, dusted and a bit of salt or anything else raw!!!!
    "This space is saved for my next special catch"
    "Rainy" Haines Hunter 540C Yamaha 130 HPDI
    28lb King Salmon
    18lb Steelhead (Rainbow) Trout
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    12lb Murry Cod
    6'+ Bronze Whaler Shark

  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member cdg81's Avatar
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    Re: Best eating fish

    i agree with disordely, barra cod are are at the top, maroi wrase are splendid as well, while were on protected speices, best ive eaten was a chinaman about 4 or 5 kilo, it was out of this world. as far as fish you can keep, trout or a fresh slab of spanish for me, would put a horn on a jelly fish. i got some nice grunter at lucinda last year they were pretty good for a creek fish.

    for those who have fished real wide, and have caught a japanese sea bream, they are up there with chinaman. they look like a real big iodine bream, but are wickid on the plate.

  15. #30
    Ausfish Bronze Member cdg81's Avatar
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    Re: Best eating fish

    hey fish n dive, you like raw, next trout you drag over the rail, fillet it ice it down, then slice it like susshimi, squeze a lime over it, and enjoy. the cheeks are the best but needs to be a good fish.

    give it a go, it will impress.

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