We headed up to Tinaroo, expecting to get a little wet, but had forgotten how windy and miserable the dam can be at times. With water level high and water cooler than in previous weeks, we knew we were up for a challenge.
We firstly used a silver Boney Bream and slick rigs over shallow weed on a submerged point. My "idea" was that the barra would be resting (lazy) in the soft, dark coloured (for heating reasons?????) weed waiting for bait fish to swim over the top from deeper to shallower water, before they moved up and inhaled them. This water ranged from 1 foot to about 6 feet of slighlty discoloured water.
The boney breams were worked slowly with a short precise "jab" of the rod either down or in an upward movement, depending on position of rod, which makes the lure dart from side to side at about 30-50cm movement each time. In between, it was important to let the BB rest or suspend (upgrade size of body hook #1 Owner). Suspending motionless was the time where we hooked most of the small barra. This technique is one that I used to get my 127 recently, however, it was done with a faster action to entice a reaction bite instead of hunting for easy prey...
We did not manage any barra of any size, but they made up for it in quantity. It seemed we had hit the pre-school for barras, so we did not take many photos, just got them back in to get much much bigger. All ranging between about 30-65cm.
After flogging this first area to death it was time to go look for the big girls. We moved up into one of the arms into some very murky water, throwing around the Boney Bream in Silver/Red and also a big Gold Bomber. I had a good size fish come out of the grass and take a swipe at the BB just as I did a jab, pulling it out of its target zone. I let it sit motionless to try and entice her back again but to no avail, so kept working the lure. No luck with that one and that area so we moved up further.
We hammered a spot where I "knew" would be holding fish, and worked the gold bomber hard in this area. I had just about given up, but thought differently and decided to throw a Evil Minnow Slick Rig Pro on and first cast I hooked a 53cm sooty. The next cast into the exact same spot, I hooked a metery only to lose it under a heavy snag after a few runs and jumps. My mate was frantically grabbing at the slick rig packet to get one on his line. He also managed a sooty from the same spot but was a deformed one. Should have taken photo but I snapped the tip of my Impoundment Barra raider rod boating the little chap. So to say I was a little peeved was an understatement![]()
Ah well there was fishing to be done. Grabbed the other raider rod and got him fishing again.
We had no more luck, and called it a day as it was blowing a gale and the rain/wind had chilled my bones.
Until this weekend
Cheers Matt