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Midd Brisbane river Catches.
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Thread: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

  1. #1

    Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Hey everyone.. I began fishing the middle brisbane river alot about this time last year. Since then at a spot wich is a 5min walk from my house. Near Jindalee. My mates and I have caught Bream, Flathead, Threadfin salmon, Bullys, River perch aswell as billions of vermin, cattys, eels, and even 3 rays. In the castnet we catch heapps of prawns, alot around 15cm with the biggest going 19cm (top salmon bait) mullet biggest going 43cm, flatty, bream, and a scat. The middle brisbane river is a very interesting place. Its one of the best bait spots i know, but i dont think its to great for lures, although my friend got busted off by a 1m+ Threadfin salmon at night on a prawnstar. Im a very keen lure fisho and would love to walk 5mins down the road and grab a bream on lure or even better a thready. Enough of me , so ive got a few questions..

    1. Has anyone had succes on lures from say, The indro bridge up to around kookaburra park ( i know people catch bream flattys and tarpon at colleges ect but thats quite abit clearer water) I know of a couple around this area but it seems very rare, so if you have ever caught something on a lure around here please share .

    2. Has anyone in the last 5 years heard of or caught a Jewfish, Jack or Trevally being caught in these muddy stretches? If you want to your location secret thats fine but still say something.

    3. Anyone got any general good fishing stories or information about these mid reaches of the brisbane river? Ill start it off by telling you what happend last year.

    My friend and I were fishing the river Atleast 2 or 3 times a week. And doing pretty well. We had only caught threadys up to 51cm at our secret spot. We hada few rods out with just some crappy servo prawns. Nothing was happening so my mate just picks up his crappest rod it was a oldd broken jarvis walker spooled with not much old 6lb mono. It had a dead prawn on it and he just out of bordem started jigging it back and it got smashed, the screwd drag was screaming like mad, this fish went off at blinding speed taking him into the middle of the river. There was only about 10m of line left on the spool and the reel was stuffing up and was hard to reel in. So i grabbed the line by hand and slowly started pulling it in, and whenever it ran i would let go and it would peel more drag. Finnaly after almost beinng spooled and busted off many times , we got the beautiful creature in sight. It was a massive 1m+ beautiful gold threadfin salmon just sitting in the top layer of the water. It didnt like what i saw and took one last final blistering run and half his rod popped out from the pressure and then the line snapped loosing the fish and half his rod lol! It was the biggest adrenoline rush ever. Good memorys, hope to finnaly land one that size in the midd reaches this year!
    Share your storys and tips please! thanks.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    years ago I caught school jew under the jindalee bridge - on bait

    I'm sure the big ones are out there along with the threadies, the massive fat cats, bronzies and the bullies.

    Nice story. Never chucked a lure, but sure have had some frightening encounters with massive OX crabs.

  3. #3

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Thanks mate, but are you sure it wasnt a river perch also known as little jewfish. They look excatly like jewfish but only grow to about 40cm. My mate has caught heaps under there up to about 40cm, how big was yours?

  4. #4

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    I have caught plenty of thready around that stretch while the drought was in full swing and there was plenty of salt in the water. but i havent fished that stretch ijn a while. Fishing artificials in the middle river can be done, i have done it and caught 50cm threadies, on gulp 3inch minnows. Bream are a different story the don't get that big in the middle reaches the biggest i have heard is 35cm and it would take a lot of plugging way to get them in there. I reckon it can be done and as soon as i get a chance i will give it a go. Flatties arn't as plentifull as they are at the mouth but they are still there and if i have caught two threadies on placcies i bet you could catch the humble flattie.


  5. #5

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    the brisbane river is shit dont fish it!

  6. #6

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Yeh thanks chris. Ive been planning to hit up a few threadys on lures but this rain sorta haulted my plan. Im probly gonna give the river a good go tomorrow. With your threadys were you just casting out as far as you could or into eddies? or the shallows.. My mate caught a flatty on a sp. He is also the one that got busted by a mammoth thready on a prawnstar. Once the prawns start flowing upstream so will the threadys again .

    Shhh ando go catch some fake bream.

  7. #7

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Has anyone got some more information regarding the river perch or the little jewfish, I have never heard of them before...


  8. #8

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    FYI, I did read a post on here not so long ago from someone claiming they have caught Jew, Mangrove Jack, Tarpon and Threaddies around the Old Tennyson Powerhouse. I have sussed out this area and it does not look like much chop with no real structure and not alot of contour. However, there are some very interesting rock formations just around the corner between St Lucia & Dutton Park. I have heard from a reliable source Jew captures used to be quite common around the Dutton Park area, so I will be sure to test this theory come winter.

    Fish On!


  9. #9

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    But with the water quality the way it is, whats it like to eat these mid river fish?
    Are they OK, or could they be carrying toxic deposits in their flesh ?
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  10. #10

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    I wouldnt eat catties or eels ect. But i have eaten bream, threadys and sharks and prawns and they all seem fine. The fish dont stay in the middle river there whole lifes, they have tagged bream at colleges to find them in the bay a few months later. I dont know about eating cod. I duno how long they would stay in the river although they do move out to reefs at a certan age or somthing.

    keep the info comin

  11. #11

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Yea I agree, all the bream are going to move up and down the river system at least on an annual basis to complete thier spawing run, that is in fact assuming they all wish to reproduce!! I would eat fish from say Hamilton down to the mouth, but I have read many reports of people who have been eating fish from the river all thier lives.


  12. #12

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Yea I agree, all the bream are going to move up and down the river system at least on an annual basis to complete thier spawing run, that is in fact assuming they all wish to reproduce!! I would eat fish from say Hamilton down to the mouth, but I have read many reports of people who have been eating fish from the river all thier lives.


  13. #13

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    I too would like to hear some about 'river perch/ little jewfish'...

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member RayDeR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.


    Mr Google gives the following about "Little Jewfish

    Ray de R

    Pre- and Post-flood Feeding Ecology of Four Species of Juvenile ...

    Johniops vogleri and Polynemus multiradiatus were predominantly planktonic feeders. ..... Composition of the diet of Johniops vogleri in the Logan-Albert ... - Similar pages - Note this

    CSIRO PUBLISHING - Marine & Freshwater Research

    Johniops vogleri and Polynemus multiradiatus were predominantly planktonic feeders. ... The potential for competition between Johniops vogleri and Polynemus ... - Similar pages - Note this

    Little Jewfish [Archive] - Ausfish Australian Fishing Forums

    According to Grants Book of Fishes it is a Little jewfish or River Perch(Johniops vogleri) and is identified by its almost black first dorsal fin. ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

  15. #15

    Re: Midd Brisbane river Catches.

    Thanks for the information, does anyone have or know where a photo of one is? The description indicates it has a black dorsal fin, sounds a little different to a "soapie" or "school" or "mulloway" jewfish to me....

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