Hi guys and girls are the etecs as good as the dvd says they are. And will they be around or will they go out the back door like omc did. Why i'am asking is because i'am trying to pick between etec and yamaha. Regards mark
Hi guys and girls are the etecs as good as the dvd says they are. And will they be around or will they go out the back door like omc did. Why i'am asking is because i'am trying to pick between etec and yamaha. Regards mark
Time will tell ..........................................But buy a Suzuki If your hull can handle the weight of a four stroke. If it can't like my hull I would have to buy around a 90 HP Etec.
Hi mate i have heard suzys don't have to be fitted by trained mecs which is a worry. Yamaha dealers have to fit iand if they don't water test it for prop etc they can lose there dealership were as suzy a bloke in his back yard can fit it. I think yamaha will be the way to go. Regards mark
TCM,me thinks you have made up your mind but you're just trying to do a bit of saturday night shit stirring .
Mate i have not got my mind made up at all in fact i'am more incline to go etec the only thing that is in yamahas favor is there proven track record and dealer net work. I'am not shit stiring at all and i'am quite taken back by it.
Cmon guys, theres no storms predicted this week . But I can see the clouds are forming
Retired Honda Master Tech
I dunno about the best (not entering into that very old debate) but I spose it'd be better than a 70's Chrysler
Thats true i like tony your on the same page.
I dont think your point re the fitting of motors is valid. You can walk into any dealer of any outboard and buy a motor........and fit it yourself. Its a matter of warranty re who fits it. Having owned and fished with ppl who have owned all the major brands of outboards over the last 30 years, of the current crop of outboards I would lean towards the Suzi BECAUSE of the fact that they train their dealers better (my perception) and have more stringent criteria as to who gets a dealership.
Sometimes its just like the Ford/Holden/Toyota debate.....you wont convince fans of one that the other is better.....it aint worth arguing about. They will all do the job they are built to do....and it often comes down to the actions of the owner that determines the performance of the product.
I would also have no problems with owning a Yamaha, Honda, Mercury....as long as its a four stroke. Its just that my preference is the Suzi.
Hi greg i'am on the same page
How bloody boring is this....? TCM, Do a search and see what you come up with. This has been done to death time and time again.. a word of advice.. Watch the DVD again and see what you come up with..................................
Everyone has got a story leezor they are selling suzys out of sheads and thats it.
I dont doubt thats what you were told by the dealer. But i think you will find that the only thing they could do would be to void the warranty. To take away the dealership because they sold it to someone who wanted to fit it themselves, I think the ACCC or Fair Trading would likely be invoked. I am and have been involved in retail and wholesale all my life, both in the fishing industry and other industries, so I have some knowledge of these sort of practices re exclusive dealerships. I dont believe Suzuki would engage in that sort of tactic, nor any other major brand for that matter. They would however, be totally within their rights to unfavourably view any warranty claims if the motor was fitted by an unqualified person, depending on the circumstances. Lets just say that the boat I fish out of at the moment has twin 115 Suzis, and the dealer who fitted and done the first couple of services no longer has the suzi dealership, and having had the motors serviced subsequently by a factory accredited Suzi technician who pointed out a number of things that should have been brought to our attention previously, I have confidence in Suzukis business practices. This is not meant to denigrate other brands,as i am sure they all have similar ethics, just to support my reasons for the choices I make.