Nice fish mate. good effort
My best wse 90 at monduran and he is waiting for me to go back and photograph him again.
Regards Gordon
Thank for that 118 is still a monster.
My biggest 118cm caught twenty metres upstream from the cabin boat ramp where we launch boats at Monduran. Photo of Adam Cox one of the biggest barras I've seen caught in Monduran. No length or weight available as Adam just wanted to photogaph it and get it back into the water asap. Good Work Adam
Cheers Foxie
Gday Foxie'
yeah that's one horse that Adam has on his lap there .
Gotta go over $1:30 @ 70lb plus ..... dwarfs my PB Monduran.
Cheers Les
Hey Les,
Hard to say, Adam was more worried about the big girls welfare than bragging rights, but than again the photo says it all
Cheers Foxie
that last fish in the pic is a true horse ,the back ground too looks pretty daunting to pull her out of as well,my best is 113cm from awoonga and the wife followed that the same night with a 110cm girl
Holy S**t, That makes my PB look like bait, Thats 1 fine looking Barra, well done, Cheers Whitto
That barra even made my 127 posted earlier look small. The tail on that fish is HUGE!!!! Nice one to Adam
Crikey Foxie, how the bloody hell did you get it in the boat, that thing is huge!!!!
There are certainly some big girls resideing in that Monduran timber.
My best a 118 and after last week, a 115 from Mondy, 87 at Awoonga.
New target is a 120 from the sticks
Bit off topic, but still a couple of nice barra.
Caught in last years run off, Tommycut Ck, NT, day before I arrived of course
Brian, that fish in your aviator might not be the biggest fish you caught...but it looks like it ate it!!!
It;s the fattest fish I have ever seen.
The biggest barra I've ever heard of was caught in the Fitzroy River in Rockhampton in 1959. I don't know its length but you can guess from the photo. That's me standing beside it when I was in Grade 9. It weighed about 85 pounds (39kgs).
Cheers Freeeedom