Hey tigermullet.....Anger Management....its an oldie, but a goodie....loved it!!!
Cheers Nomad
Hey tigermullet.....Anger Management....its an oldie, but a goodie....loved it!!!
Cheers Nomad
With the amount of Vhf radio's being sold, willy nilly, I see the Class licence being changed in the near future.
I also see the numbers 6,8, 34, 38, 21 and 7
Also race 8 at Randwick.
same here with the water police. but all the same, I still have a license and paid for it because it is a legal requirement.
I guess you could do argue anything to justify why you shoudn't have to pay money for something that is a legal requirement.
your question was - is it really necessary? I agree with JT etc, that it seems a silly waste of money and you can acquire the skills without the license (but again, you can acquire any skills without sitting a license test).
but legally, it IS necessary. end of argument - whether you agree with it or not.
[quote=Hamish73;774266]Local Guy (and anyone else), without doing any reasearch, can you answer this question?
What hours or the day are you NOT permitted to use channel 16 in a NON emergency situation?
A: Silence periods to listen for distress calls on VHF 16 for 3 minutes past the hour and for 3 minutes past the half hour every hour of the day. - You learn this in the course too!! Its all good stuff and helps you get the most out of operating a VHF. You also get to meet other operators, learn a bit about electrics/electronics/fault finding, find out who runs your local Coast Station and maybe join up.
Do the proficiency course - its more than just a ticket!
Having read all the chat on this subject and as a MROCP trainer for Coast Guard, just consider the following:
Never consider the radio is their for your benefit, it's purely a safety device for hearing that one call we hope we never want - MAYDAY, MAYDAY.MAYDAY.
80% of students would come for the EDUCATION and interaction with other boaties - 15% for a qualification (employment) and the remaining because they "have too legally" - but they still enjoy the EDUCATION.
Im with ya there black runner,its more than just a ticket allright.There`s a heck of a lot i learn`t doing the coarse as well like how an epirb works,how to put out a mayday call,how to mayday relay,using a repeater properly ect ect ect.Many of people have commented on what a waist of money getting the licence is but maybe they wouldn`t say that if there 40+miles out to sea and sinking while there scratching there head wondering how to use this radio thingie.The way i see it the ocean can be a wild place sometimes and the more you can learn the better to stay allive the better.You never know you might just be able help someone else.Sorry for waffleing on Cheers Paul
Once I found about VHF's DSC funtion and when interfaced with GPS to broadcasts your exact location and time. Then keep broadcasting at set intervals whilst still able to with the press of a button. No speech is necessary and rescue group as access to all your contact details. But for this you need your VHF or higher licience to obtain your MMSI to attivate the DSC. function. Smaller search area than even the new 406 epirbs should equal quicker rescue should the need arise. Hope it doesn't. Do you have epirb or PDF's onboard?
i have an analogue EPIRB on board. but at the end of this year i won't be getting a new one as within our general area and as far out as i plan to go i don't legally have to have one but, If they drop in price i will. and PDF's, V-sheet, flares, yes.
From the Amcom MROCP Handbook;
Australia is a member of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU). This body
regulates radio frequency usage, and the
operations and use of radiocommunications
equipment on a world-wide basis.
Operators of ship stations other than those
operating exclusively in the 27 MHz marine
band, must possess a certificate of proficiency
issued in accordance with ITU regulations and theAustralian Radiocommunications Act 1992, or a
certificate considered to be of an equivalent or
higher standard.
Operators on vessels that are subject to State or
Territory legislation should ensure that they are
qualified under that legislation.
Provided the ship radio station is under the
control of a person holding a relevant certificate,
persons other than the holder of the certificate
may operate the equipment.
Reading this, it is an international obligation to have a Certificate of Proficiency, not an Australian law.
I can tell you that if I was out on the water and either trying to get out or receive a Mayday call and it was being interrupted by some idiot who hasnt worried to properly learn how to use this vital piece of safety equipment, he would want to hope the authorities got to him before I did.
Spot on Sea Raider, everyone always whinges and bleets about revenue raising but as you so correctly point out we are signatories to the ITU so therefore have to follow the conventions although somehow the USA has got around it.
It amazes me how many extremely knowledgeable people, far more knowledgeable than myself in many instances about radio transmitting devices, power supplies, radio propagation... people whom understand and have used far superior forms of communication devices, come to a radio course and say at the end of it, Jesus, I didn't know that, I had forgotten that or I thought I knew it all but I guess I didn't. I have had people whom trained in Military sig's, Qantas trainers, Virgin Airlines pilots, people whom have worked on ships for all their lives but have decided to update or better their education with improvements and procedures in technology.... many by choice because their certificates such as RROCP may have done the job but wanted to improve themselves.
I don't know bugger all about the fancy stuff, cant be bothered attempting to teach it, care even less about learning it if it is not goping to benefit me on the water or my students on the water.
I DONT KNOW IT ALL, I learn from my students on every course I run in one way or another, yet their are people in here whom know it all and are simply too BRILLIANT (or should that be arrogant) to learn anything or at least admit that others may and will benefit from gaining some knowledge.
My rant, my rave, I just cant believe that in this day and age that their are people whom really think that they know it all and insist its all anarchy and revenue raising so therefore demand they be exempted from the laws the rest of us either have to obey or follow willingly.
Me, I am ready to learn. I am not ready to argue, that is why I have managed to stay out of this and several other posts as long as I have up until now. I will now quietly skulk off in to the background and try very very hard not to reply to the numerous comments that are likely to follow.
My opinions and my opinions alone. Like them or lump them!!!!
Regards Lloyd
Subzone... you are so right about letting them go. Now they don't want to have EPIRBS!! ...... it's all about money..
Money for bait, beer and boat, but none for SAFETY or to help those VMR's who have to sell raffle tickets or Sausage Sizzles to keep afloat (excuse the pun), just to be told to p.... off after traveling 20 mile to tow them back. Some don't even want to pay for fuel that is delivered to them because they haven't planned the day... but don't worry - we'll have the bait, beer and boat accessories... Go'n to bed... been busy over the weekend training new radio operators as a VOLUNTEER.
Yes doctor.. my next appointment is when?