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Thread: Fishing Elitism

  1. #31

    Re: Fishing Elitism Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This e·lit·ism /ɪˈlitɪzəm, eɪˈli-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-lee-tiz-uhm, ey-lee-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun

    1. practice of or belief in rule by an elite.

    2. consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group.

    [Origin: 1950–55; elite + -ism]

    —Related formse·lit·ist, noun, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

    OK, number 1 states that one would " practice " or " believe " in being " ruled " by the elite... which is none of us !!!!

    Number 2 refers to the Pride of belonging...... and therefore is none of us !!!!!!

    IS IT ??????

    Yes, I know, someone had to do the specifics of the question.

    Cheers Phill
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  2. #32
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin View Post
    Anyone who thinks a mixed grill consists of lamb chops, steak, bacon, sausage, mushrooms. and other chunks of meat is a tosser. Those in the know, such as myself and the deckie, know that it consists of stingray flap, catfish flank, whaler steak, and shovelnose fillet

    If it weren't for the likes of me and the deckie, you snapper seekers, whiting whittlers, and pelagic poachers would catch only fish that you refuse to eat.

    Me and my beloved are the gamekeepers of the ocean, keeping down the vermin so that snobs like you lot can chase your upper class game. Give thanks to The Verminator and his crew.

    Hey kev..LOL... so now you REALLY understand why we encourage immigration and multicuturalism here in Oz.
    There are people from all around the world that can find all manner of obscure piscatorial delicacies in our fisheries.
    Some people even eat carp and tilapia.

    More power to you and them.
    But thanks anyway I'll stick to my trout,reds and spanish mackeral all the same..


  3. #33

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    This reads like a reply from someone that has never fly fished .... specially for river trout!.
    Hell in my opinion it is the ultimate form of fishing ..... which involves the STALKing with absolute stealth , fly selection & then the presentation ......... & hopefully a hookup !
    ....... Then you have to fight a fish in often fast flowing water with a long light weight rod & 4lb tippet ............ it doesn't get much more difficult , and there is a lot less reliance on technology ...... where skill & knowledge rules.
    Put all this in an environment that is quite often wilderness mountain country .... & you dont need to catch heaps ( some of the best trips involve catching just one fish!) ....... it would be comparable to deer hunting with a bow & arrow
    PS ....... I've met more than a few top blokes on weekends away down the snowy mountains ( I have also met the tossers too)

    Anyhow .... I would always give a plug to fly fishing ...... It is an eye opener

    Tried it, learning the art and loving it.

  4. #34

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I only really look down on people who litter the great rivers with set lines (Thats not sport fishing, where is the fun in dragging in a cod thats been struggling on a heavy line for 24 hours).

    And people who keep undersized fish or large breeding fish that should be returned to the water.

    Apart from that I don't care if you use bait, fly, lure whatever.


  5. #35

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Ahhh Nagg, like chucking a pellet into a farmed barra pond , guaranteed strikes lol.
    oops, is that being elitist cause I dont fish barra ponds??? (dont get me started on the relative merits of trolling vs casting, it could be a long nite)

    Simple, low cost gear catchs fish, high tech, high cost gear catchs fish, horses for courses, and its all been done to death in the alvey posts, neither bit of kit will actually put your target species on the end of the line for you, that skill rests in the angler. If you like to catch bread and buter fish with low end gear, great, if you like to catch bread and butter fish with the latest jap spin reel and hardbait, great, if you like to watch black and white tv, great, if it must be the latest big screen lcd, great, whatever fluffs ya towel.
    So, back to the original thread, lets not send this one sideways:
    Yep, there is elitism in the world of fishing, as there is in any sport or activity, invariably some knob will think he is better than some one else, whether its cause of his shiny boat thats bigger/faster than yours, or his packed tackle box, thats got more plastic in it than a tupperware party, or his flash combo that costs more than you get paid for a week, or the latest "must do:" technique he is currently useing, big deal, if he puffs out the chest and sprouts off he is still a knob
    Ive baitfished alveys all my life in the creeks, then got into offshore bottom bouncing, later soft plastics, now pegging lures into timber, the gear changes as your fishing styles change, and I for one enjoy useing the high cost rods and reels I own nowdays, bit like driveing a nice car, but as long as I dont let my ego take over, elitism is something I will never be accused of. A couple of weeks ago we were trolling the basin at Mondy in the hornet (great boat Nagg) with a couple of grands worth of rods and reels hanging over the side, we went past 2 blokes doing the same thing in a 12ft tinny useing alveys, were they feeling left out, I dont reckon

  6. #36

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by lizard wizard View Post
    Nagg i dont get it. In this thread you say you use a Alvey for black fish. But in the other thread Alvey vs Steela you say you hate Alvey's ,and that you cant cast one straight . So which is it? I can understand why some people spend alot on their fishing gear,sure there is some top quality stuff out now, but i dont see a need for it with the way i fish and treat my gear and i never once said my cheaper gear will do the same as the dearer stuff. But i get a feeling from you and some others that you think everyone else isnt as good because some of us dont own the latest tech in tackle and the tackle you own makes you a better fishermen IMHO .Forgive me if im wrong.I know there is better gear on the market then mine and give your gear a season or two and it will be out dated aswell . But for the fish i target' rivers and creeks and dams' my gear does the job and im happy with it and i dont see i need to buy top shelf stuff to target bread and butter species.But if thats what you like, fine ,just dont think your a better fishermen because of the gear you use. I dont just look for the cheapest gear i can find. If you know what to look for when your buying a reel you can feel whether its weak or strong with a few little tests before you buy it. Ive bought reels and rods that ive had for years ,cost around 100+ or - ,caught s#@tloads of fish and never a problem with them. But i dont go on saying my reels and rods are so good, all you guys dont know what your missing. Reality is i dont give a s#@t about my gear as long as it works. I just love fishing full stop.
    Jamie ...... Why do people need to be so pedantic ..... but so inaccurate ?
    Mate ..... as I've previously said .... I dont like Alveys ( but I have owned 3)
    Yes I said I cant cast one straight ( meaning a real cast ...... 50 M+ with a snapper lead etc etc) ...... the Alvey never met my expectation in a casting situation ....... I do much better with an ABU7000
    Yes .... I still take an alvey out of moth balls ( maybe once a year if that) to fish for Drummer ( fishing crabs , cunji & prawns into the wash ....... basically at my feet . Because I own the gear ..... I might as well use it ......... & an alvey works well in that situation ........ A direct drive winch.
    Now to what really annoyed me in your comments ........ Please go & dig out from any thread , where I've said that I'm a better fisherman than anyone else ! The closest you'll come is (I said I can fish!) ..... specially with a reference to the fishing tackle I use.
    Yes .... I firmly believe that the tackle I use gives me an edge in a difficult fishing situation ...... Like using ultra light lures for casting to a cruising fish in shallow water ,,,,,, My gear allows me to hold off a distance to avoid spooking the fish & still make the cast ....... While my mate asks to move the boat closer .... because he cant make the distance ( we have similar ability) & the only difference was the gear. ...... That same light tackle still has the ability to drag a decent bream out of oyster racks..... or bass out of a snag
    I wont appologise for liking quality fishing gear ...... I know what I like & what works best for me ( most often this has been gained from experience / trial & error) ...... like having guides crushed on a baitcast rod ..... that was not up to stopping a rampaging barra ( out goes the Daiwa ... in comes the Miller & Loomis)
    Now maybe using quality gear makes me a better fisherman than I really am
    ..... Nagg

    PS ..... I'm curious to no what I'm missing ( except money in bank account) .... please elaborate

  7. #37

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    i have been looked down because i was using braid on a charter. The others were mono uses, they got tangled all day with them selves, not a word. Then the braid got tangled once. "&^%*ing braid tangles everything bla bla bla"


  8. #38

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Hey Nagg, fun thread but you've just about bagged your limit..............
    To butcher a classic surfing quote - the best fisherman is the one having the most fun!
    Unless your life depends on it, of course!
    Great pic Kev, must admit I've eaten those big catties also, would prefer the little shark though!
    Last edited by nigelr; 28-02-2008 at 06:55 PM.

  9. #39

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by BR65 View Post
    Ahhh Nagg, like chucking a pellet into a farmed barra pond , guaranteed strikes lol.
    oops, is that being elitist cause I dont fish barra ponds??? (dont get me started on the relative merits of trolling vs casting, it could be a long nite)

    Simple, low cost gear catchs fish, high tech, high cost gear catchs fish, horses for courses, and its all been done to death in the alvey posts, neither bit of kit will actually put your target species on the end of the line for you, that skill rests in the angler. If you like to catch bread and buter fish with low end gear, great, if you like to catch bread and butter fish with the latest jap spin reel and hardbait, great, if you like to watch black and white tv, great, if it must be the latest big screen lcd, great, whatever fluffs ya towel.
    So, back to the original thread, lets not send this one sideways:
    Yep, there is elitism in the world of fishing, as there is in any sport or activity, invariably some knob will think he is better than some one else, whether its cause of his shiny boat thats bigger/faster than yours, or his packed tackle box, thats got more plastic in it than a tupperware party, or his flash combo that costs more than you get paid for a week, or the latest "must do:" technique he is currently useing, big deal, if he puffs out the chest and sprouts off he is still a knob
    Ive baitfished alveys all my life in the creeks, then got into offshore bottom bouncing, later soft plastics, now pegging lures into timber, the gear changes as your fishing styles change, and I for one enjoy useing the high cost rods and reels I own nowdays, bit like driveing a nice car, but as long as I dont let my ego take over, elitism is something I will never be accused of. A couple of weeks ago we were trolling the basin at Mondy in the hornet (great boat Nagg) with a couple of grands worth of rods and reels hanging over the side, we went past 2 blokes doing the same thing in a 12ft tinny useing alveys, were they feeling left out, I dont reckon
    Ahhh a bit of burley always works!
    Its actually an interesting thought / topic ....... because the mindset is out there in both forms ( elitism & tall poppy)


  10. #40
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Fishing Elitism

    One type of people i cant fathom are the ones that go ga ga over trout, brown or rainbow. To me thay are a feral fish in the same basket as carp. Sure they taste better and dont do as much damage but they are still an introduced species and should be eradicated from Australia. Anyhow thats my 2 cents worth and now i think i better duck, cos i feel i may have somthing flying at me. ;-)

  11. #41

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh Gee View Post
    One type of people i cant fathom are the ones that go ga ga over trout, brown or rainbow. To me thay are a feral fish in the same basket as carp. Sure they taste better and dont do as much damage but they are still an introduced species and should be eradicated from Australia. Anyhow thats my 2 cents worth and now i think i better duck, cos i feel i may have somthing flying at me. ;-)
    GA GA BROWNAttachment 22188 & GA GA RAINBOW GA GA Rainbow.jpg

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member mowerman's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I spent 20 years playing golf, the last 15 on a handicap of 4 or less.
    5 years ago I bought my first brand new full set of clubs for $350.00

    17 years of playing A grade pennants and nearly every match,on the first tee, my opponent would look in my bag and have their nose in the air for a couple of holes. By about the 15th their expensive clubs would have a few bends in them or hanging from a tree.

    What Im trying to say is.

    Something to throw the line out with and something to reel it in. And a hook.
    Saltwater,fresh,swimming pool,fish tank or the puddle at your feet from poor bladder control.


    Sorry...Had a couple of beers this arvo.

    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  13. #43
    Ausfish Platinum Member 4x4frog's Avatar
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    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by Aigutso View Post
    I look down my nose at anyone who doesn't fish, get on the water or get out and enjoy nature, national parks etc, you poor cafe slobs

    Here here...seconded
    Killing a dragon with a mouse aint living....(in the words of the ad by a large outdoor store).....................this is living......queue your own image of fantastic fishing

  14. #44

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    No matter what you do, what you got, how you do it and where you do it. Just as long as you get out and do it I reckon. Ever seen the 11th commandment, thou must fish no matter how thou do it!


  15. #45

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Now ...non fishoes are second class citizens


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