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Fishing Elitism
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Thread: Fishing Elitism

  1. #1

    Fishing Elitism

    Hi All ..... After participating in the current Alvey thread I came to thinking about our passtime / sport ...... & I'm now more than convinced that there is a considerable amount of elitism / class-ism within fishing:huh:

    Do estuary lure fishoes look down on bait fishoes
    Pelagic trollers look down on bottom bashers ( specially those that use alveys )
    I've even heard Trout dry fly purists turn their nose up at Nymphers ....... & trout lure casters ( forget it) ....... trout bait fishoes ( you might as well use dynamite)

    Do boaties look down on Rock fishoes ?

    Impoundment barra trollers Vs casters

    Do traditional blackfishoes (centrepin reels) .....look down on others

    Etec owners

    Do tag & release anglers turn their noses up at the catch & fillet brigade

    Are impoundment barra anglers inferior to wild barra fishoes ( not including the inferior live baiters )

    Do techno tackle junkies turn their noses up at handliners ?????

    Do shimano owners see themselves better than everyone else

    Are dropliners/longliners beyond contempt ? :cry:

    We all know that Hornets are better than any other bass boat

    I'm sure that there are a bucket load of other examples
    So join in & let us know your thoughts!
    just keep in mind that its meant to be a little bit of fun

    Cheers & enjoy


    PS ..... While I dont feel that I look down at any given style ( bar one) ..... I do look up to people that use artificials rather than bait ! ..... with the exception of blackfish purists
    Last edited by NAGG; 27-02-2008 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I look down my nose at anyone who doesn't fish, get on the water or get out and enjoy nature, national parks etc, you poor cafe slobs

    Tangles KFC

  3. #3

    Re: Fishing Elitism


    Of course there is. Lure fishos look down on bait fishos all the time, especially in specialist fisheries, try soaking a livey in Tinaroo or Awonga Dam, it's only half a Barra if it's caught on bait, according to some. Same on some local inshore marks up Cairns way, don't admit you caught your GT or Cobia on bait cause if you didn't jig it up with a $1000 Stella or Saltiga it doesn't count, don't get me wrong, great gear wish i had some but it isn't the only way. Big fish, light gear always a challenge and always deserved, i don't care if you caught it on a sausage still fights the same, still a challenge.
    Same with boats if it doesn't have a casting deck, rod lockers, a bow mounted electric and a live well it's just a TINNY. What a load of crap, i've seen guys trying to fish close offshore in Bass/Barra punt style boats cause they think that's what they should be driving, totally useless in any swell but at least they look the part.


  4. #4

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I look down on guys who think their better fishermen just because they have the latest most expensive reels on the market who let their reel do all the hard work and not their ability. Why is some one who uses bait,less expensive gear or an Alvey not as good a fishermen as some one with top shelf gear. I know i still catch quality fish and plenty of em with the gear i use on lures and bait and i didnt have to work my ass off for forty years or save for months to buy them. JUst look at the title for ya thread ,get off ya high horse Nagg, you think your elite just because of the tackle you own. Now call me what you want and say what you want cause it doesnt bother me.

  5. #5

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I reckon the elite fishos are the ones who get out there and fish with the $20 combo from cash lovers (or whaterever the pawn shop is) and catch fish with lures, live bait whatever. The ones who just catch fish cause they love catching fish, not becuase they look better for owning a 1000 rod etc. These are the ones that usually catch the most fish too.

    By far the worst tossers are fly fishers, most think they are above the rest, but most cant even cast let alone catch a decent amount of fish.

  6. #6

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    By the way, I think most ppl here are probably the real variety of fisho's.

  7. #7

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Sorry i must add i really dont care what anyone spends on tackle as if i really wanted top shelf stuff i could go buy it aswell. I just dont like guys thinking their better fishermen just because of a reel or rod they own. i consider a good fishermen to be somewho who consistently catches good fish and ive seen a few on here. No matter what gear,bait, lure whatever they use.

  8. #8

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by lizard wizard View Post
    I look down on guys who think their better fishermen just because they have the latest most expensive reels on the market who let their reel do all the hard work and not their ability. Why is some one who uses bait,less expensive gear or an Alvey not as good a fishermen as some one with top shelf gear. I know i still catch quality fish and plenty of em with the gear i use on lures and bait and i didnt have to work my ass off for forty years or save for months to buy them. JUst look at the title for ya thread ,get off ya high horse Nagg, you think your elite just because of the tackle you own. Now call me what you want and say what you want cause it doesnt bother me.
    Very good wizard ...... now what are you trying to tell me ? ......
    I'm looking at the title of the thread ..... And!
    All I can see is a reverse prejudice ..... where you dislike people that are willing to spend money on their sport! ....... Is this is your version of Elitism ( or just Tall poppy syndrome ?) .........

  9. #9

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    one to add::::::

    why does a landbased fisho try and cast as far out into the water,,,,opposed to a boatie who casts as far into the shore?????????

    i'm probably guilty of both,,, and if your unsure of the above,,, sit back and observe both styles of fisho's,,, its true

    my old man taught me to fish my feet,,,, but i still place a line in a spot where i ""think"" the bigger buggers are hiding,,,, wayyyyyyyy over there

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. #10

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    By far the worst tossers are fly fishers, most think they are above the rest, but most cant even cast let alone catch a decent amount of fish.
    This reads like a reply from someone that has never fly fished .... specially for river trout!.
    Hell in my opinion it is the ultimate form of fishing ..... which involves the STALKing with absolute stealth , fly selection & then the presentation ......... & hopefully a hookup !
    ....... Then you have to fight a fish in often fast flowing water with a long light weight rod & 4lb tippet ............ it doesn't get much more difficult , and there is a lot less reliance on technology ...... where skill & knowledge rules.
    Put all this in an environment that is quite often wilderness mountain country .... & you dont need to catch heaps ( some of the best trips involve catching just one fish!) ....... it would be comparable to deer hunting with a bow & arrow
    PS ....... I've met more than a few top blokes on weekends away down the snowy mountains ( I have also met the tossers too)

    Anyhow .... I would always give a plug to fly fishing ...... It is an eye opener


  11. #11

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I think mostly it is each persons' obsession with the current preferred method of angling that creates this derision. each and every different form of fishing has its own benefits over the next but none are suitable to all forms of fishing. Once someone gets bitten by a technique that interests them they become single minded and most do look down thier noses at some primitive way of acheiving the same goal.

    At the moment I have 4 "techniques" that are making my blood run, yet most people wouldnt waste thier time with them. I'm not worried if ppl think im nuts or whatever, it is just something that i want to experience and master in each of the four techniques.


  12. #12

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by lizard wizard View Post
    Sorry i must add i really dont care what anyone spends on tackle as if i really wanted top shelf stuff i could go buy it aswell. I just dont like guys thinking their better fishermen just because of a reel or rod they own. i consider a good fishermen to be somewho who consistently catches good fish and ive seen a few on here. No matter what gear,bait, lure whatever they use.
    Nagg maybe you missed this as i stated i dont care how much people spend on their outfit. I base a good angler on consistent good catches. You seem to imply in your posts that guys with less tech or cheaper gear or use bait arent possible to catch decent fish and that just because some of you own a more technical reel you are a better fishermen. There is no mention about ability or experience its all about the gear you own. And i got the impression you were referring to yourself with the title of your thread cause there is quite a few of these or in your thread when you refer to Alvey users and bait fisho's.

  13. #13

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Quote Originally Posted by Aigutso View Post
    I look down my nose at anyone who doesn't fish, get on the water or get out and enjoy nature, national parks etc, you poor cafe slobs

    Mike, the QLD Labor Goverment & EPA should take your advice

    A bloke/lady that wets a line is no different to the bloke/lady next to them IMHO
    Last edited by Black_Rat; 27-02-2008 at 09:32 PM.

  14. #14

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    Nagg your making it all sound like hard work, its called recreational fishing, wheres your alvey.. its an eye opener

    Damo spot on

    Last edited by Tangles; 27-02-2008 at 09:40 PM. Reason: saw damo's comment
    Tangles KFC

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Fishing Elitism

    I would be the world's worst fisherman..and I don't care..can afford virtually any tackle if I wanted to..what I treasure is the time out on the water with family and friends..relaxing..the fish are just a bonus...ok, I will be elite cos we always have a few bottles of wine on board to go with the prawns and salad for lunch.

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