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Thread: Government bream.

  1. #1

    Government bream.

    went out early friday morning with Bob for a fish in the bay arrived at our first spot before sun up but couldn`t raise any takers,then off to the four beacons with plenty of current so didn`t stay long there. plenty of surface activity but looked like small bonito and the bait fish they were into were only about 3cm long so anything we had close to that size that we threw at them didn`t get a touch. some bigger fish in little schools where popping up every now and then but mainly bigger schools of smaller fish(if that makes sense!) we eventually decided to have a look at cowan artificial and got plenty of small pickers with a little trigger fish and a little damsell looking thing,tried the chooks only to get peppered by little stuff which ate the plastics clean off the jig heads so give that a miss and went back to bait,when a little red emporer graced us with his presence and a few pics and back in the drink. just hope the big brracuda lurking around didn`t get him on his way back down to the bottom. headed home after the tide turned and current got too strong only to be greeted by an earlier than expected northerly to belt us all the way back to cabbage tree ramp. no fish in the esky but a great day out on the water all the same.

    Also while we were burlying up at cowan these mad fish that looked a bit like whiptails but with no whips were everywhere at the back of the boat and we managed to catch a couple with the landing net just scooping them up?didn`t get a pic sorry but got one of the emporer and Bob will post the one he took on his camera soon .cheers muz
    sorry about pic was on mobile phone.

  2. #2

    Re: Government bream.

    Sounds like a nice day mate,you gotta strike out some days but Muz, you were on the water.

  3. #3

    Re: Government bream.

    I fished Cowan on Friday with little result as well. Heaps of bait but not much else. We picked up a few of those little Reds there last summer. They fight well for their size


    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4

    Re: Government bream.

    Thats spot on chief was just great to get out as it`s been a while between missions. always good to fish somewhere new. hitting the pond with a yak on wed or thurs weather permitting.

    Cheers horse yes he did go well for a little fella..... thought he was a half decent squire ,I`ve heard of the odd one being caught in the bay over the years just didn`t think they were that common in the bay. What boat were you in horse ? was it a center console? we were in the tinnie and i had a fluro shirt on.

  5. #5

    Re: Government bream.

    how big were the whiptail look a likes, could have been juvenile rainbow runners

  6. #6

    Re: Government bream.

    That name was mentioned to me mad fisho they were torpedo shaped and had a nice pinky colour to them once they came out of the water with about three darker horizontal stripes along their side also they ranged from about six to eight inches in length.

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