Well headed out from the Townsville coastgaurd ramp at about 230am and got out to cape cleveland about 315 didnt bother going to the rocks or salamander just droped on a bommie underneath the lighthouse big run but droped the bait down and boom i was on the 30pnd braid was singing and so was i as i boated a fingermark in the 80cm range few smaller fingers then the sun was up. I headed out to fourfoot and salamander lots of bait down deep but no more fish.
I trolled from salamder in and around 20footthen dropped the last of the squid along a few bommies under the cliffs for a few flag and small grassies just size.
I had a bit of a clean up and headed for home, Just as i rounded the cape i was thrown to the other side of the tinny and crap went every where. Luckily i manage to knock it out of gear on the way across which probably saved me from capsizing. Once i came back to my senses i work out the stearing cable had snaped, i pulled the stearing rods apart and made a makeshift tiller and putted home21/2 hrs later i made it back to the ramp. the bloody cable has been running smooth and easy i i always keep it greased. Anyway i am glad nobody was with me it may have turned out alot worse.