Is a Grass Emperor / Grass Sweetlip 25cm or 30cm legal size?
Confused from DPI site?
Is a Grass Emperor / Grass Sweetlip 25cm or 30cm legal size?
Confused from DPI site?
30cm and they are not regulated under the coral reef fin fish management plan as one might think they should be. So at present they have no bag limit and do not count towards the 20 reef fish combined limit. Keep an eye out for the inshore fin fish management plan though. Once it is passed these fish will have bag limits and maybe a size change.
Have a look here:, and it explains the total combined catch of 20 Coral Reef Fin Fish, apart from each fishes individual bag limit. The Fisheries (Coral Reef Fin Fish) Management Plan 2003 has been in place since 2003 so is not really new stuff....sorry!
Last edited by gone_phishin; 23-02-2008 at 03:25 PM.
When I read the DPI website at the very address above I see All Sweetlips as coral reef fin fish 25cm limit 5 (except red throat Sweetlip)
Then underneath under "Other tidal species" I find Grass Emperor (Grass Sweetlip) 30cm no limit
It certainly is confusing. I just spent an hour looking throught the Coral Reef Fin Fish Management Plan 2003 and can't find the list of fish with common and scientific names regulated by the plan. I'm sure it used to be in there. From memory, grass sweetlip are not on this list. Go by the size and bag limits under 'OtherTaidal Species' as this is where they are specifically listed.
I have just sent an email off to Queensland government legislation department asking for advice on where to find the list of fish regulated under Coral Reef Fin Fish Management Plan 2003. Will let you know how it goes.
Last edited by Stuie; 24-02-2008 at 08:34 AM.
stewie if you go into your local Queensland fisheries office they will give u all the paperwork you need in regards to what's what. they have plenty of pamplets there which tell u what is on the fin fish list etc.
Your boating and tackle shops might have these brouchures, but unsure.
All scientific names are here in the Fisheries Regulations. Schedule 16 and 16A
Grass sweetlip come under Inshore Finfish, and soon to be 30cm limit of 10.
lethrinus laticaudis.
I wonder if coral reef fin fish and non coral fin fish will all be included in the 20 count
Thanks Mod 5 that is the list I have in hard print. I'm sure it used to be in the Coral Reef Fin Fish Management Plan 2003. Wouldn't that be a sensible place to put a copy of the list? After all they are the fish the plan refers to!
All emperors 25 min 5 per species
Emperor exceptions
Red-throat sweetlip 38 min 8
Long nose emperor 38 min 5
Spangled emperor 45 min 5
Red emperor 55 min 5
All fusiliers No limit No limit
All parrotfishes 25 min 5 per species
All surgeonfishes 25 min 5 per species
All sweetlips
(excluding red throat sweetlip) 25 min 5
So is the above now correct,and the spangled is 45cm?
I hope you dont confuse eveyone with that list.That is for Coral Reef fin fish and Grassies or Grass emporer or Grass sweetlip are not Coral Reef fin fish They are on the Other Tidal Species list as 30 cm min and no limit. The No limit is soon to change but the size will remain the same because by 30cm they have already had more than one spawn.
If you have them on board under 30cm expect a fine