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Thread: new custom pieces

  1. #1

    new custom pieces

    Hi all here latest pieces i have made for my new kilwell 980, maybe some ideas from others for input to a better design?

  2. #2

    Re: new custom pieces

    Where is it going to live on the blank mate?


  3. #3

    Re: new custom pieces

    Hi Stuart i am planning on putting the split base at the rod base above the gimbal buttend, and the top piece is my own designed winding check both to suit the duralon grips, i have only just started building rods for myself and family, have seen the stuff built by matagai and thought i could build my own pieces and make my own custom rod. cheers darryl

  4. #4

    Re: new custom pieces

    G'day again storchy, another great job....I was just thinking...if the rods are a it possible to leave a flat surface on the split butt piece so a name could be engraved etc...certainly make it personal and customised... food for thought anyway.... I can always lend you my dremel if you want it... cheers.....

  5. #5

    Re: new custom pieces


    I have a deal for you, you show me how to make these and I will show you how to weave.
    I love your work and of course the color is on the very top of my list.
    Really would love to see these up close.

    One question would this mean if I wanted to make these Owen would have to get a metal lathe first? did I say that out loud?

  6. #6

    Re: new custom pieces

    Thanks for input guys a flat surface can be machined on to the surface i will give one a go on the milliing machine for a try i have some new ideas i want to try, i can show you how to make them sandy but you would need a metal lathe for sure, the one i have is not easily tranportable it weighs about 900kg, i am sure we can arrange something for you to see the pieces i have done at the rodbuilding weekend, cheers

  7. #7

    Re: new custom pieces

    Nice work mate. I have a metal lathe and quoite often make all my own peices. I would be concerend about sea water getting traped in under the alloy. Who does your anodising for you, I want to get some peices done of my own?


  8. #8

    Re: new custom pieces

    Thanks Stuart I have painted the alloy and the clear plastic coated them to protect the surface, I would like to anodise them but at this stage only can get them chromed, nickle plated or 24carat gold plated, bit of a overkill, on a fishing rod maybe, the split grip was binded underneath and sealed, then i put expoxy rod finish in the holes to ensure no sea water etc could get inside to damage the thread or the alloy.

    I believe there are some company's down in Brisbane who do the anodising, i am trying to research these, if i find out who they are i will post a message to you,
    for now i am happy to polish and paint these pieces myself,
    cheers Darryl

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