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Muddies in Bris River
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Thread: Muddies in Bris River

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Muddies in Bris River

    When my daughter and I were walking on the path to the Boat Rally (on the 10th), the Fisheries officers that were there, while waiting for the Rally to start, decided to check one the landbased fisherman's esky.
    Pulled out a sizeable male muddie. It must have been caught on line because non of them had a crabpot that I could see.
    Fisheries officer's comment "He's going to be a good feed mate" . Should drop a few crab pots in the river, outside Newstead House.


  2. #2

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    A mate of mine is on a "Live aboard" right in the city centre (Around the Botanical Gardens) and will often throw a pot in before going to work and have a muddy for dinner that night.

    Lucky bugger - I can think of nothing better!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member Shagga's Avatar
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    I often look at the Breaky creek and think there would be crabs in there. (Not the pub)

  4. #4

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    There is an old local fella in the Albion region of Breakfast creek who has two pots sunk all year around and yes he get his fair share of good muddies very regularly indeed.
    I also have a cousin that lives at Karalee in the brackish but mostly fresh regions and in winter he gets good catches of crabs up there.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    When i worked on the ripirian building in eagle street we use to get a few their and also under the wharf at portside while i worked their so they are deffinately there ..matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    Many years ago my boss use to have a couple of pots tied off the Helli Pad attached to Parliment House (Brisbane). Regularly took a couple of Muddies home from work in a sugar sack.
    Had to give it away when an article appeared in the Courier Mail, "Public Servant Crabbing......................

  7. #7

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    I put some pots in last thurs valentines day & picked up a very large Muddy on the way home from town. Stills takes me an hour to eat them, no argument they taste nice. But by the time I'm finished, there is crab juice all up the venitian blinds over the kitchen sink

  8. #8

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    Yes the brissie river hold a fair few muddies, but there was a study by one of the QUT ppls doing their thesis. and founded that the crabs in the lower reaches of the river carry a unusually high levels of heavy metal. I cant recalled what the metal were, but I stop eating the crabs out of the river after that. As I know from studies that most of these metals accumulate in your system overtime and eventually make you look like errr... you know what I mean.
    Humility is not a weather condition.

  9. #9

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    I put the pots in during the rally but not in my usual spot were i am guarnteed to get a feed was disappointedone large female hundreds of bream all undersize and 5 very small bucks, to much fresh but you still see people pulling big ones as mentioned above, i hooked ahuge one once on line under the gateway while drifting, he was certainly very unlikey as it got him up the backside.

    re:testing for heavy metals,was that a few years back? recent tests have shown lower levels unles your up near oxley crk and bremer for obvious reasons, weres the EPA when you really need them

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Muddies in Bris River

    Certainly there are a lot of crabs all throughout the river.

    BUT would you eat them? Heavy metals and some industrial waste residues have exceptionally long half-lives and can be accumulative - of course regardless of tidal flushing etc.

    More serious studies have to be done to really assess residues and heavy metals.

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