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I've kept my nose out of this thread for the most of it but i've noticed a point that no one has really brought up yet. To me the superiority of top shelf tackle does not always lie in its ability to catch fish once hooked, but more its ability to deliver a lure accurately and repetitively to its target without fatiguing the angler. Yes for the likes of baiting and trolling etc etc the differences seem more trivial, but when compared to the fact that a stella/saltiga/certate is designed not only to handle big fish in proportion to their size but also to cast with then you really appreciate them.
I predominantly cast lures, when i fish with bait i have little doubt that something like an alvey will pull up the same fish. Working in a tackle store i know the difference in quality of a 20, 50, 200 and 500 dollar spinning real. I see it every day when old mate comes back with his piece of crap combo looking for a refund. The difference is performance and longevity. A sedona will handle any estuary species you can throw at it (with size and line matched), cast ok, handle braid ok have a reasonable life. But a stella is lighter, stronger, will handle larger fish per size, cast further, lay line better etc etc. It will also last a hell of alot longer as well.
I would like to see an alvey punch a 20gram slug 70+metres accurately towards a single 15kg longtail, have enough speed to bring it back to the surface if required. Have a smooth enough drag to run 4kg of pressure without popping the hooks or parting the knots on 15lb braid.
I would like to see and alvey cast a big harbody into thick timber, and then pull out an angry barra. i'd like to see the person doing this be able to keep this up for 12 hours a day in the middle of summer.
I would like to see an alvey cast a weightless 2inch plastic, land it on the face of a big bream and have enough finesse to handle this fish on 1kg line.
This is what top shelf tackle is all about, if you don’t do it then you won’t get it.