Noelm what i said was not meant to be a personal attack on any singular person I was just stating what i think are the facts. If you took it that way I'm sorry you took what I have said out of the context of what was meant. Of course two hooks next to each other with the same bait are not going to make a difference to the size number of fish you can "hook", though there is no way you can honestly tell me that there will not be a difference in the ability of the size and number of fish you CAN "land" using a alvey vs any high end reel. This is just the age old why should i pay so much for something argument. It was just a bad comparison. Thats life isn't it some people can afford things some people can't so you make do with the hand you deal yourself in life. Though when it comes down to it your high end reel worth $1000 is going to give you more ability over any cheaper reel all day 367 days a year, that doesn't mean you should not go fishing and enjoy yourself if you cant afford a stella. By the way noelm I think its great that you aren't technophobic, for after all if we aren't learning we may as well be dead. By my calculations your 8" alvey is going to bring in roughly 64cm per revolution give or take for rough conversions of SI units and a rounded pi while your stella 10000 brings in around 113cm per cranking revolution. This doesn't even take into account the ergonomics of using both reels which is a whole new element to the discussion.