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Thread: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

  1. #1

    Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    As it was my birthday on Saturday, I decided that a weekend spent up at Tinaroo is how I would like to spend my time.

    I arranged for a mate to come up and also hooked up with Theo (Tinaroo Triumph) for a fish as well. We started at about 9am full of high confidence, which lasted about the first six casts . We then settled in for the long haul!!!

    Tony was new to the baitcaster game, so for the morning seesion he was just getting his thumb and eye tuned in, throwing some soft plastics around. Theo was working hard body lures and I was trying the faithful Boney Bream.

    We worked the picked areas hard (Saturday) for all it was worth, only to come up with a big fat donut for the day. This was the first day in months that I had not been successful, or for that matter even raised/sighted a fish.

    After a few birthday bevvies that night back at the cabin, I decided to do a couple of hours the next morning, not wanting Tinaroo to defeat me.

    I worked one patch with the Boney Bream and Slick Rigs for about an hour around 9am, before moving about 200 metres to another shallow patch. I was working the lure around weedy patches, before deciding to change my leader as it was getting a tad short from changing lures. At about 10.30am I retied the double and leader (thanks Theo for the new knot, it works!!!!) and cast the Boney Bream along a patch of lillypads that I knew had laydown timber lying about 5 foot under the surface. I also changed the Owner hook on the belly to a larger #1 Owner to suspend the lure in between rod jerks. Three twitches of the rod tip, and I heard that all too familiar loud underwater boof, before I saw my line change direction and then go tight. The barra went airborne, with BB and me in tow, and I was determined to get this one into the boat to make up the the slow day prior.

    Barra was netted after a nice tussle and went 115cm on the brag mat. I was happy as a pig in s&$t!! Couple of mandatory photos and back in she went and I finished up for the day, going home quite contempt.

    Cheers Matt

  2. #2

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Well done Matt, and happy Birthday as well!

    Shame we didn't get amongst them on Saturday morning... I think if we were to have had a good shot at them on Thursday or Friday before the rains kicked in then we would have creamed em'. They were touchy on Saturday and were right up hard against the fringes and my thinking is that they had stocked up on those days leading up to your B-day and they were getting ready for this monsoon to head up here. We had 130mm last night at Wondecla and 83mm this arvo. Wet!

    Glad the Knot worked well for you (keep it to yourself, please!!! Its a pearler!)

    Bet Tony's eyes were like dinner plates when the 115 came onboard. Say G'day him for me and tell him that the rope trick might just work with Cassowaries as well?!?!?! LOL



    P.S Cracked a few in the Barron last night!

  3. #3

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    wickeeed! nice story. it's my birthday tomorrow, well, in 10 minutes actually, and I'm going fishing as well with my bestie in the early morning, that is 4 hours from now..... not even slightly hoping to catch something like that barra you caught but maybe a nice flathead or a good size bream.


  4. #4

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Wondecla hey TT? we used to ride our MX bikes up in the old quarry there, do you know the Palliers who had a rose farm up that way? sorry to get result again Matt, your persistence pays off in a big way! can't wait to get up there in april, off to mondy this weekend to give it a crack

  5. #5

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Well done Matt,

    Though I must say these reports (bony bream lures and metre plus barra) are becoming a bit monotonous and too regular for my liking!!

    It's alright for you living next door to a great fishery but us poor bastards down south have to travel many hours to our dams for results not often as good as yours!!

    Sorry, is my green streak showing?



    PS - Happy Birthday!!
    Last edited by Peter4; 18-02-2008 at 08:55 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Nice work again Matt,
    Great pic and story.

  7. #7

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Great birthday present. Well done.
    Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION

  8. #8

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    Error posting.
    Last edited by Barraboss; 18-02-2008 at 03:07 PM.

  9. #9

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo


    Was good to catch up on weekend. Should have seen the Mazlin flowing on Sunday morning. It looked like a waterfall of chocolate milk!!!!

    Bloody Grinner,

    Hope your birthday went well and you picked up a couple of large flatties and bream. Main thing is to enjoy the day.


    Ok, I will break the monotony up by catching a few under the metre on the BB's . I can't put a good thing down at the moment though, the fish are liking them too much!!!!


  10. #10

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    great b,day pressie mate,we all would like that in the bag each year.

  11. #11

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    You are going off on the boneys!! I asked you that question about upgrading on the last post cos i now try and make most of my lures slowly suspend. Its a pretty deadly technique. B52's are great for it also.
    Congrats on another fine catch. I have to say that i am with Pete though. Bloody green to the gills with envy.

  12. #12

    Re: Birthday Barra at Tinaroo

    great fish again mate, your refusal to admit defeat produced a well earned reward in that big girl

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