Hi All,
How soon is to soon to crab after a fresh through a river system? Is it true that the crabs get on the move after a fresh?
Hi All,
How soon is to soon to crab after a fresh through a river system? Is it true that the crabs get on the move after a fresh?
but it usually brings out some prawns!!
get your pots in where the fresh meets the salt.you want to be crabbing the upper limits of where the high tide pushes the salt in if that makes sense.
Talking to an old pro the other day and he reckoned to put the pots out on the flats.He had his out the mouth of the river around the mangrove fringes but was going to move them out onto the flats if he didnt do any good.
The river wasnt running tea colored like it does when there has been a real lot of fresh though.
I put mine just in the mouth and only picked up 5 jennies.They were a nice size though
Fishos were waiting at the ramp when I got back and checked me out pretty good so just as well I play the game right
Hi mate,
I dropped a few pots in my local creek about a fortnight ago, and only scored one crab. I'd say in probably would have been two to three weeks since the majority of the rain. I was disapointed with only one but, still better than none.
On the other hand,in late august /september 07' after about 4 days of solid rain, we caught 5 legal nmuddies from four pots.
So it's really a hit and miss affair, they can be there one month and not the next.
We started dropping the pots, at the mouth and worked about 1/2 way up the creek.
Good Luck