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maroochy river
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Thread: maroochy river

  1. #1

    maroochy river

    hey guys,
    i just bought a 3.6 meter tinnie wihich i am setting up for lure fishing. i used to fish the marroochy by land but decided i need a boat but i dont now where to fish around the marrochy. does anyone now of any spots in the maroochy where i could target bream flathead whiting jew and mangrove jack.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member 4x4frog's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: maroochy river

    Quote Originally Posted by shane 234 View Post
    hey guys,
    i just bought a 3.6 meter tinnie wihich i am setting up for lure fishing. i used to fish the marroochy by land but decided i need a boat but i dont now where to fish around the marrochy. does anyone now of any spots in the maroochy where i could target bream flathead whiting jew and mangrove jack.
    Years ago, we used to snorkel the river most Saturdays and Sundays, mornings mainly. There were always plenty of schools of fish around the island right at the mouth, I can't remember the name of it now though. The northern end was always the best and deepest water. Also the banks opposite were good for schools of bream.

  3. #3

    Re: maroochy river

    under the bridge or down at pin cushion there are lots of good spots there all will come as you explore


  4. #4

    Re: maroochy river

    Maroochy is pretty much my local even though i live in bris. It's is a great fishing destination. My advice of some serious big whiting, is when you pull up ya boat at the picnic point boat ramp. Go straight out to what i think is a green marker 100 metres of the edge of the island there. Anchor up on the outgoing tide, and use fresh blood worm in the shallows. There 3 weeks ago and boated 17 whiting over 32cm's. But i also use shallow divers and poppers for bigger results.

    For flatties... hmmm well depends... do you want big? or do you want consistant legals? For the bigs, i would have to say head to the lower reaches towards the mouth, now from picnic point you will have to go around an island again(not sure of names). Continue around and you will head into kinda open space. Now when you turn the corner you will see a sand bank with mangroves on its bank. A small feeder outlet from the sand bank which streches out comes in and meets the faster current of the channel. on the last of the out going, cast a lets say 110mm or so squidgy shad or fish(i prefer the fish) onto the feeder creek and work it back into the channel. Excellent fishing there. For the smaller stuff, head back where you came from but stick close to the island and follow the shore of it around and you will hit a yabby bank(also good for whiting, but alot of smaller stuff, seem to be a nursery so flatties love the small whiting). Cast a 70mm flick bait or fish.

    For jacks, i would head to the bridge first, then down to bli bli, where you cn target some feeder creeks and snags.

    For bream....... look out and pick a spot. But if you chasing bigger stuff, go to the bridge pylon or head to the mouth near the island and get some much bigger bream in the deeper water, there is some very reefy rocky bottom that is producing some big bream.

    For grunter, head up to bli bli and past. You will notice a few island just sitting int he middle on the river. anchor up on the far side of them and so u can cast to the island, and to either channel, and in some cases to either bank.

    Sorry can't help you with jewies, haven't chased them or caught one.

    Hope i have helped. If you need a partner one weekend, pm me and ill take me boat out as well.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: maroochy river

    Shane 234
    Vinckies (good reply) is on the money. Big whiting in the river on the edges of where he's pointed out. Caught two at 38cm, 36cm at Christmas time.

  6. #6

    Re: maroochy river

    Trolling around the black banks?goat island area with lures that will dive deep enough to kick up some sand is a good way to pin some flatties.

  7. #7

    Re: maroochy river

    Gday shane,if you google ,Guide to maroochy river part one,guide to maroochy river part two and guide to maroochy river part three, you will find out almost all the good spots to fish in the river,also if you get yaself a copy of the river to reef 'sunshine coast' book shows you even more spots. great info in this one,its available in mooloolaba newsagents for $24.95. hope this helps cheers!

  8. #8

    Re: maroochy river

    Thanks castlemaine. I don't pretend to be an expert, but its just a few spots i have had some success with for about 10 years. Being only 20, i grew up at margate beach so i have been fishing my whole life, mostly for whiting. Since moving to Brisbane about 5 years of age, and getting a boat with my old man about 10, the maroochy has been my spot to fish.

    I'm only a 1-2 times a month fisherman, but i like to think im good(haha). Although i have had much advice from many people around the place. MY father being a printer used to print Queensland fishing mag, and the summer specials for south east Queensland, which i read religiously, which in the end gave me the tips i need for a good days fishing with my old man.

    As Matt has already pointed out, there are 3 great books you can get your hands on just for the Maroochy. Well worth a read.

    Just a little more information about the bait i missed out on for whiting. There are 2-3 very productive yabby banks around the maroochy very close to each other. You can also catch the little black soldier crabs that some people like to use for the bigger whiting. I still reckon fresh and live bloodworm is the best bait.

    If your going to use lures for whiting, my favourite at the moment is a shallow diver that looks like a small rainbow trout that i bought at ###### all sports for $3.

    Now, Whale Bone. I just got out my beacon to beacon, and i think the black banks are the banks that run opposite of channel island on the coastal side. Haven't really tried there, but will do now thank you.

    For the bigger stuff, again an edit, around the corner of Channel island and the sand bank, with the run off creek from the sand banks are the bigger stuff on the run out tide, bringing your lure from shallow to deep water will sure bring results. Used the same technique different river to get my biggest flattie ever of 1.08 int he noosa the other week. Big stuff love the fish coming of the bank, specially if there is some small weed patches.

    Being biased here, i think maroochy is one of the better estuary fishing haven's on our south east. I hope more people find out what a place it is.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: maroochy river

    heyy guys,

    that island your talking about, would it be chambers or the on further right?


  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member thesav's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: maroochy river

    I suspect they are talking about goat island - a lot closer to mouth of river than Chambers.

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