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Thread: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

  1. #46

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    That really sux. How brazen to smash a bloody window in a car park.
    I'm still getting over getting myboat stolen from my year about 18 months ago. The pricks got it while I was visiting my wif ein hospital who had just had a baby. I reckon it was someone that knew.
    I have looked at every boat I have passed on the road or seen on the river in that time, to no avail.
    I reckon they pinched it, & it has been parked in their bloody shed ever since.

    As for the GPS, cant imagine living without one, BUT I cant imagine taking it off the windscreen every time I stopped either.

  2. #47

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitohbill View Post
    That really sux. How brazen to smash a bloody window in a car park.
    I'm still getting over getting myboat stolen from my year about 18 months ago. The pricks got it while I was visiting my wif ein hospital who had just had a baby. I reckon it was someone that knew.
    I have looked at every boat I have passed on the road or seen on the river in that time, to no avail.
    I reckon they pinched it, & it has been parked in their bloody shed ever since.

    As for the GPS, cant imagine living without one, BUT I cant imagine taking it off the windscreen every time I stopped either.
    Well you are stacking the odds against you. I have only owned that GPS since Christmas. We are only in February now. I took it off the windscreen every time I parked anywhere apart from in my own garage. Just one time and one time only I decide to leave it on the windscreen but only based on the fact I was going to walk in and straight back out of this shop which is what I ended up doing and that was my downfall. Window smashed, GPS and all of its accessories gone, and not a soul to be seen anywhere. It didn't happen in the carpark either, but on the main road just outside of the shop. Gee if only I had of seen this little sh!t in the act.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  3. #48

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    I tried to get my GPS covered by RACQ and they wont do it because its not fixed to the vehicle. Also got the same problem with my Waeco. The wont cover the waeco under home contents either.

  4. #49

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    That's BS Andy.... RACQ will cover the weaco. I am with RACQ and all camping gear, cameras, GPS units, fishing gear and anything you keep in the house but have in the car or out on the boat can be covered by the household contents insurance. Go back to RACQ and insist they cover it... I had no issues at all when I did this... let us know how you get on ....

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  5. #50

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Speaking of weaco, how do people secure it in thier open ute tray to stop it being stolen ??

  6. #51

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by bungie View Post
    Speaking of weaco, how do people secure it in thier open ute tray to stop it being stolen ??
    Go and buy a skeleton and put a few old cloths on it, lay it down next to your fridge with a sign around its neck saying "this is what happened to the last bas**rd that tried to steal from me".

  7. #52

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    LOL .....................

  8. #53

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    re legality of gps in cars. i pilot wide loads on trucks all the time
    & talk on 2 way radio all the time, & they are mandatory for safety. i also understand that gps is also considered in the same way. if any one knows different to this would you let me know col

  9. #54

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Quote Originally Posted by bungie View Post
    Speaking of weaco, how do people secure it in thier open ute tray to stop it being stolen ??
    Best security device going around mate is an aggressive dog sitting on the back of your ute!
    Stops 'em every time!

  10. #55
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Well, I got one for you,

    Just on 12 months ago, was down the footy club saturday for the masters game, came home parked in the driveway, didnt think anything of it, sunday didnt go anywhere car in driveway. Monday morning get in the car to go to work no noise where my phone connects to my gps base station??
    Look around, No base station, jump out of the car ask the wife, Nup hasnt seen taken it, back to the car, all my toll change is gone as well, b*&*^^rds.
    Next door neighbour on his way out to work, heres me swearing has a look finds his glove box has been rifled.

    ring the cops monday night after work, got no serial number, havent engraved it (go nothin), one cop says to me hey there was a guy caught last night running around with a whole heap of nicked goods in the back of his car, come up and log a complaint. have had a few beers at this point thought will wait till tommorrow to be on the safe side to go to the cop shop.
    Get to the copshop, wait 45 minutes, get old mate could be bothered fillin in the paperwork, oh you got no serial number go no hope. pissed at his response head home.

    Ring the insurance company, Nup sorry not covered. What!!!! I pay for full comprehensive, to bad so sad.. Really pissed off by now.
    Jump online tea up another insurance agency cover me for windscreen, $500 worth of gear out my car, so I say well will replace the gps add that to the list. 10.50 a month cheaper than what I had (NORMA).

    Pretty stoked at this, jump on the phone to NORMA, cancel my boat, bike 2 cars and household insurance with them on the spot. Again couldnt give two hoots, have been a long time with em didnt even bother to ask me why.
    So time goes by still didnt get around to replacing the GPS, though I would be smart next time and by a phone with a GPS in it, always with me no chance it will get knocked off.

    10 months later, get a phone call from the wife, detective Billy Bob turned up at the house looking for you, shit whats going on, have to give him a call.

    To cut this a bit short, turns out the original cop was right they caught the blokes the night they took it, cops have not had time to investigate who owns the gear been in the lockup the whole time.

    So one bright cop turns on my gps and presses home - well takes him to my street. The he drives up and down the street pressing the remote garage door opener, finds my mates house down the road door opens, and hey presto through a round about way I get my gps back.

    Winds up quite a few things got knocked off out of my street that night.

    Maybe dont be too shy to put your street in as your address Just not the number. and engrave the gps immediately.

    Oh and by the way it has an address in it that I didnt put there, in Cleveland, Might have a look one of these nights..


  11. #56
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    some scab screw drivered the lock on my mrs old car for the loose change in the centre console - all $2 worth of 10c & 5c coins!

    nothing else was in the car of value thank god.
    this was at Roma St station undercover car park.

    rang cops - Bris city headquarters is literally across the street - told it would take 'hours' for a copper to investigate and best to take it home and come into a copshop another day.

    whats the point? $150 later we just paid it ourselves cos insurance excess was more than this!!!!

    sometimes I feel really helpless - pity you can't hook up an electric shock security device or similar to protect your things

  12. #57

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    Funny how dumb some of 'em are though. Years back living over Wooloowin way, I came downstairs under the flats and noticed interior light of the car on. Open and closed door, but no change. Discovered the passenger door slightly ajar, then noticed that change from the console missing, and a leather business card holder missing as well. But the dumb idiots had to shift an $80 dollar set of tungsten darts to get the change, and left 'em there.

    And when at the same flats, i was down the street one day and saw a young chappie wearing my Munich Beer House sweater which i hadn't realised was missing. He quite agreeably handed said sweater back.

  13. #58

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    We used to have the same issue with radar detectors (in WA - they are not illegal).

    Insurance won't cover them, because they are not fixed, and some of them can run up to $8-900+ a piece.

    After the first one gets knocked off, you learn to take the thing with you, and not even risk leaving it in the car any more ....

  14. #59

    Re: Warning-in Car Gps Owners!

    I know someone mentioned this before (Lucky_Phill) but it is certainly worth looking at your home and contents insurance to see if you can get cover for things outside the home.

    I am able to get cover for any item in australia or NZ up to the value of $1000 per item with a maximum of 4 item claims per year. with an excess of $50 per claim

    Now think about polarised sunglassess, Gps, high end rods and reels etc even my tackle box would have nearly a grands worth stuff in it.

    a close read of the policy docs (and every crowd is different) tells me what i am and aren't covered for (surprise - no cover for high stickin or any sporting gear in use for that matter)but honestly i do feel better knowing it is there.

    hope this helps...


    p.s Yes i do work for an insurer and honestly if i didn't i would never have known that i could get that option.....

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