I am chasing the name and contact detailer of a professional or extremely competent rod builder in the toowoomba area for a quote to replace 1 damaged guide on my g loomis cbr 783. any details would be apprectated
I am chasing the name and contact detailer of a professional or extremely competent rod builder in the toowoomba area for a quote to replace 1 damaged guide on my g loomis cbr 783. any details would be apprectated
Most tackle shops will do rod repairs if not they should be able to point you in the right direction
Replacing guides is not that difficult..true story!!!! You would have to go out and buy some binding thread and other bits 'n pieces first, but these items will always come in hand at some stage.
Unless of course, there is an issue with decorative binding & you want the same or close to.
Practice on an old el cheapo first.
If you are really worried about doing the wrong thing take OzRod's suggestion, as most tackle shops usually offer a repair service.
good luck