There are a few "before you die" lists around at the moment, places to visit, foods to try, things to experience etc, and the upcoming movie "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman has the same theme.
I thought it might be interesting to compile a list of fishing experiences that Ausfish members would put on such a list if they were to compile one.
Of course everyone's list will be different. For some number 1 might be "catch a legal fish, any fish!!!" For others the list may be more discriminating.
I'm sure "catch a mangrove jack" will be on quite a few lists, or "catch a big jew" or "metre plus barra" or many others, or even "learn how to catch beachworms" - but these won't appear on your list if you've already achieved them.
So let's see what the most popular things on the Ausfish lists will be.
Post your top 5 still to be achieved fishing experiences - even if they're already up there and I'll keep a progressive tally to see what comes up most frequently.
Here's my top 5
1. Catch a Murray cod (and let it go!)
2. Watch the sun set into the sea in the Kimberley
3. Catch a wild brown trout
4. Swim with a whale shark
5. Catch a wahoo
Cheers Freeeedom