I know the feeling Kezza least the boat got a run mate but you probaley didn't need to hear that.
It's suppose to be a good sign if you see flying fish you'll do good but every trip we have seen them and hasn't yielded much at all
On sunday when we were out there was a water spout between Keppel Island and the coast line and stayed up for a while , we could see it from Lisa Jane Shoals where we were which is about 30 km from the harbour that was pretty good to see, Another one out from us tried to form but didn't touch down, and strange the conditions we were in i wouldn't have thought there'd be a reason they'd form but with my trips of late i think it's all because of me LOL
Cheers JT
And to answer the question of why
Because if we didn't go we would spend the whole day wondering and kicking ourselves if we should of , and the fish JUST MAYBE THERE IS DROVES MAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE