Left Whyte island at the UN gentleman hour of 4am. Flat bay full steam ahead. Best day in a long time weather wise.
Stopped at :
Measured Mile - ZIP ZILCH NOTHIN
4 breacons - ZIP ZILCH NOTHIN
Not a show of bait or livies. Not a bird seen working. No surface activity. As the sun came up the water wasnt real flash. Discoloured a bit and alot of weed and other sh** in it.
Headed to Curtin Reef 8.30 to fish a couple of hours each side of high tide.
Picked a spot and into it. I prefer the northern end myself.
About half hour before high tide son's rod is off............... and i mean it went off big time. Fish took 100 - 120 metres of braid. Son got 50 back. Fish took another 50 meters son got 30 back. Not looking good. Reel drops it's guts - OH BUMMER!!!! LOL.
So son throws rod on floor and proceeds to bring it in by hand. Not easy on 50lb braid. Fish was running up near top all this time, then decides to go deep. And what is down deep at Curtin??????????????????? Yep. He knew what he was doing. Straight round the nearest piece of structure and GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The joys of fishing. I am tipping a big cobe or kingy, but we'll never know now.
I dropped what i called a biggish snap, but again we'll never know. Felt like one with the head shakes etc.
I guess thats why it's called fishing and not catching. Didnt see anything else caught near us, so upped the pick for a very quick ride home on a flat bay at 26 knots.
Cobes 7 Me 0