Hello Folks,
Well Seabreeze was right and Saturday was a good day to head out through the South Passage, although the 2m seas were a little scary once out the bar it was a pond. We headed out to a few marks around the 29s south and found little action. Not much on the sounder so we headed to a mark north of Flat Rock and found 5 or so other boats out. We found lots of action on the new JRC ff60 and managed to land a Yellow Fin Tuna Maori Cod a couple of Tuskies.
We had 3 big hook ups that we couldnt land, something big was smashing our squid and we woukld fight for around a minute and be snapped off. I thought it may have been sharks but hard to tell as you could really feel strong kicks and rapid head shakes.
Found a few bonito and mac tuna schools working just outside the bar so we stopped to pick up some bait for next trip. If this weather ever improves.
