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Thread: nth/ stradi accommodation

  1. #1

    nth/ stradi accommodation

    hi guys, thinking of a sat / sunday at nth stradbrooke, have"nt been before?, maybe park at redland bay, slip the boat in ,motor over. Question is there anywhere to stay overnight thats resonable, and keep the boat safe! The bride "s comming and she"s had it with camping. do"nt need 4 star, just a boozer near by, hope sombody can recommend somwhere, thanks

  2. #2

    Re: nth/ stradi accommodation

    Try Amity Bungalows

  3. #3

    Re: nth/ stradi accommodation

    trouble with the bungalows is that you'll need to leave the boat down at the ramp because i wouldn't leave it out the front and they only do 2 night minimum stays plumber. you might struggle to find overnight style accomodation in the area that's not in your tent.

  4. #4

    Re: nth/ stradi accommodation

    There are little cabbins in the caravan park at amity,and its only a 5 minute walk to amity club.

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