G'day recreational anglers and those who may know commercial scallop and prawn trawl operators.
I am doing a study on flyingfish and was told Hervey Bay would be the best place.
My supervisor has stated that some payment will be made as this is a project of importance to the Centre of Marine Studies - The University of Queensland. As they would like a regular supplier.
I can travel to Hervey Bay to collect specimes but they will need to be freshly caught but frozen asap. As these are difficult to obtain by recreational anglers , I therefore kindly ask if those in the Hervey Bay area can past this request onto charterboat operators and any of their friends who have connections with the trawler fleet, specifically the scallop and prawn trawlers.
A general fisheries permit has been acquired for this purpose.
I have approached DPIF in the past but they put in the too hard basket as they don't have any fisheries observers spare, they are mostly concentrated up North, around Cairns. In otherwords, its a polite way of saying they are not interested.
Could you be kind enough to get in contact with me if you can assist.
Another alternative is maybe by a recreational fisher who knows the area and is prepared to go at night with a deckie and a powerful stern decklight to bring these fish to the surface and scoop them with a large handled net. If your'e genuine then let me know and I'll contact my supervisor to see what arrangements can be made. Peter