Well the weather gods have finally smiled upon us and i didn't have to work today (sat) for a change, so it was arranged that myself and a couple of mates would head offshore.
All was planned and ready and we were on our way at approx 2am, UNTIL, 15 min into the trip i hear a strange noise from the trailer. "Bearings" i say to the others. And yes it was the bearings. Not much i can do at 2am in the morning and seeing that we were luckily not far from home it's decided to head back for a bit more shut eye and sort it at day break seeing that we all still wanted to go.
That short 15 min trip home took it's toll on the disc hub not to mention not winning any friends with the neighbours as it squealed it's way back up the street to home.
So anyhow i pulled it apart and replaced hub and bearings, but to my dismay i find that the hub seals on the BOAT TRAILER are only dust seals and no matter how much you regrease or use bearing buddies or the like, fatal damage is imminent. All four hubs are the same.
I know i know it's very hard to keep them totally water tight but it's even harder keeping them dry with only dust seals. So tomorrows job is to replace all bearings and seals, and to buy a spare hub to carry with the trailer.
It just makes me wonder how many others out there have the same or are unaware because they are out of sight, out of mind.
But by replacing the dust seal with water seals preservation of the bearings will be alot better.