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Thread: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

  1. #1

    3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Did anyone else read the article in the fishing column in this mornings Sunday Mail about the proposals to change bag limits on various species and also introducing bag limits on others. Yet again a bunch of greenies who have never wet a line, trying to take all the fun away from fishing..

    Interested in the comments???
    Fillet and Release Squad

  2. #2

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    I had a quick look through the paper and could not find the article which you are referring to, although i have read the DPI proposals of the new bag and size limits for fin fish and would have to say I have absolutely no problems with them. I can not see any unreasonable alterations to size or limits in fact I would most probably support the original proposals of increase of size of whiting and bream to 25cm, sure you may find an immediate loss of production of up to 40%, although in the long run you are fishing a much better quality system. I know myself that i prefer not to take both of these species under the 25cm size as i don't see that you obtain that much of a fillet off them.

    For interests sake which alterations to the regulations are you concerned about?? The way I view it is a slight increase in size limit may on the short term decrease your capture rate although in the long term will greatly increase the breeding population and thus your capture rate. So you are really in a winning situation. As for the never wet a line statement you would be surprised how many marine biologist actually enjoy getting out and having a fish just like the rest of us.

  3. #3

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    QDPI website information - read the facts and science on this proposal at.....

    In the proposal there is no mention of a change of size limits of whiting or bream, there is a change in the bag limit - for bream it would be 30. There is a proposed change in the bag limit for flathead species.

    For whiting no change (the exception Northern whiting no size limit to proposed 23cm). Also see the quote below.....

    Quote "The 23 cm size limit currently in place
    allows the majority of whiting to spawn prior
    to capture. The impact of increasing the size
    limit to 25 cm would be significant for both
    recreational fishers and commercial net
    fishers. Data indicates that up to 40%
    of whiting taken recreationally may be
    23–25 cm. If a limit of 25 cm was introduced
    there may also be a 40% reduction in
    commercial catches in some areas."

  4. #4

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    have to agree with Budge on this, we (in NSW) have a size limit on Whiting of 27CM and I reckon that is too small to be of any use, and 30 Bream is more than enough to keep for anyone, and 25CM is too small for a Bream to eat, so I don't really see what the problem is! no one wants to stop you keeping any or stop you Fishing in some place, just live with it for the long term benefit of Fishing in general!
    Last edited by Noelm; 04-02-2008 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Any change to size or bag limits, can only be a good thing. There are more and more people/families getting out on the water these days enjoying recreational fishing. With more people out catching fish, the great the numbers that are being removed from the water. I remember as a young kid fishing in moreton bay. You could go out and catch a feed in a few hours in the afternoon. Now, your flat out getting a feed, fishing all day. Not, that fishing is all about going out to catch a feed or fill the freezer. If different bag/size limits, green zones etc. aren't put in place, there won't be much to enjoy in the future. So, if you think these proposals are silly, ridiculous. Your not real bright and obviously don't really enjoy your fishing that much. Preserve what we have for the future.

  6. #6

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    I actually agree with most, if not all the propsed changes. The only thing I don't agree on is the reduced bag limits on mackeral, everything else is fine by me. Though I would like to see some increased size limits, and some decreased bags, but on the whole I support the changes fully.

  7. #7

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by levinge View Post
    Did anyone else read the article in the fishing column in this mornings Sunday Mail about the proposals to change bag limits on various species and also introducing bag limits on others. Yet again a bunch of greenies who have never wet a line, trying to take all the fun away from fishing..

    Interested in the comments???
    these are not set by greenies..set by "real" people based on information pertinent to the area..unlike the EPA and their cohorts.
    I am happy with these proposals.

  8. #8

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Christ you must live in No-Man Land, just finding out these proposed changes, they have been out for months.
    With Consultant Meetings being held up and down the coast, when you can have your say or find out the reasons for these changes.
    The RIS has also been out for months and closes on the 17 Mar 08.
    Suppose your going to ask what a RIS is ????????,
    Or do we have Size and Bag limits on many species ???????
    Or do the Greens set all our Sizes and Limits???????
    Or is there a Dept of Fisheries and what do they do????????
    and you wonder why their closing huge areas down, due to the fact that no body cares to read the Rules and Regulations governing fishing in this state.

  9. #9

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Theve turn't broughton island of nelson bay into a marine park i remember u could take a drift right accross the front of the island and pick up about 10 snapper 10 flatty and the odd pearler In a 15MIN DRIFT!!!
    I say good on them turning it into a marine park because they breed in broughten island and then make there way down south to newcastle the fishing industry is booming and the local fisho like myself has even noticed the difference.
    But greenpiece i am sorry i just don't believe anything they fight for they are the biggest hipocrits i have seen (no affence to anyone).
    Cheers Nick

  10. #10

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, I agree with most of the proposals, however like Scott NthQLD I believe that in some circumstances they have taken a too much approach, in particular Macks from 30 to 10 is a bit steep. As for Bream and whiting they are the rats of the ocean as they breed such large numbers, but for some areas I suppose that bag limits are needed as alot of fishos go for a "Bag Out Approach".

    Myself, well I suppose I am self regulated when it comes to bag limits as I only get enough to keep the missus happy, which is usually 2 to 3 fish and then I fish Catch and Release until the baits gone.

    As for the RIS, the survey seems to be primarily directed to a Commercial slant and a cursory "agree or disagree" with bag limits and lengths. My biggest problem is with the proposal for introduction of nets back into Dugong areas. Nets kill and I can't see how you can make a net that will not affect the dugong.
    Fillet and Release Squad

  11. #11

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Why not have a bag /in possesion limit on summer whiting and bream?

    Eg. 12 fish per person in any boat/beach situation is enough.

    My wife and I catch 12 each / 24 fish total = 48 fillets = 6 good meals @ 8 fillets between us.

    Get fair up the freezer brigade with hundreds of whiting/bream in freezers.

    I don't particularly care what the numbers are but lets get real, we have all plundered the fishing spots for too many and too long.

    Have fun Haji-Baba

  12. #12

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    i think more size/bag limits is good , i would preffer to be able to go out in the bay and try and get 10 macks ( have enough trouble getting 1) than not be able to fish in the bay at all . After a couple of years there would be heaps more big fish around to catch .


  13. #13

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by Haji-Baba View Post
    Why not have a bag /in possesion limit on summer whiting and bream?

    Eg. 12 fish per person in any boat/beach situation is enough.

    My wife and I catch 12 each / 24 fish total = 48 fillets = 6 good meals @ 8 fillets between us.

    Get fair up the freezer brigade with hundreds of whiting/bream in freezers.

    I don't particularly care what the numbers are but lets get real, we have all plundered the fishing spots for too many and too long.

    Have fun Haji-Baba
    Perhaps you should read the proposal first and you will see there is a proposed bag limit on bream and whiting.
    Nothing wrong with freezing fish..if you don't want to that is fine but don't push others into something just becuase it is not how you fish.

    To make it easy for you, here is the link:

  14. #14

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    Quote Originally Posted by levinge View Post
    I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, I agree with most of the proposals, however like Scott NthQLD I believe that in some circumstances they have taken a too much approach, in particular Macks from 30 to 10 is a bit steep. As for Bream and whiting they are the rats of the ocean as they breed such large numbers, but for some areas I suppose that bag limits are needed as alot of fishos go for a "Bag Out Approach".

    Myself, well I suppose I am self regulated when it comes to bag limits as I only get enough to keep the missus happy, which is usually 2 to 3 fish and then I fish Catch and Release until the baits gone.

    As for the RIS, the survey seems to be primarily directed to a Commercial slant and a cursory "agree or disagree" with bag limits and lengths. My biggest problem is with the proposal for introduction of nets back into Dugong areas. Nets kill and I can't see how you can make a net that will not affect the dugong.
    wouldn't that be why they have lowered the numbers for macks...because some go with the bag out approach?

  15. #15

    Re: 3rd February Sunday Mail - Bag limit proposal

    And what about those uf us who bring maybe one fish home every 3 or 4 trips Harji, I havnt plundered any fishing spots. In 3 years of fishing the bay I have personally taken 4 squire out and that was in one session. Dont generalise it aint fair on the people who it doesnt represent. And as for the area from Jumpinpin to the Tweed I havnt caught anything in even longer yes I may be a crap fisherman but I dont plunder.
    Last edited by smiley_doobinator; 04-02-2008 at 09:01 PM.

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