Ah - I am no expert - I just take the advice of experts. The following sentiment is one I have read in several references ....
Reference: http://www.marinewatch.info/library/...d.html#MPHints
Ah - I am no expert - I just take the advice of experts. The following sentiment is one I have read in several references ....
Reference: http://www.marinewatch.info/library/...d.html#MPHints
Keechie that thing would fly!
i know i know! i should have known it. But there is alot of stuff in bunnings mick! lol.![]()
See breamuster, you alreeady have people offering you things! you will be amazed at the generosity on this site.
In the old days floors were left unsealed underneath and this is the cause of the timber rotting. The humid environment in the hull of the boat doesn't give the timber a chance to dry out.
These days, boat builders who are doing the job properly glass both sides of a floor. Then to further safeguard a floor, pads are glassed in for the seats to be screwed into. That way, the helm seats only screw into the timber pad and if that timber were to rot it can be relatively easily replaced without the new floor timber ever being compromised.
I agree with BM, my haines had a bad floor in it due to the underside not being glassed or even coated in resin.This caused major soft spots in the floor.
Hey Breambuster, I just bought an 8ft x 4ft sheet of 15mm exterior ply from a local kitchen panel supply shop (Townsville) for $40. It is now cut in pieces ready to go into my boat as a casting deck/storage.
For the sake of a few phone calls ring a few up and see if they have anything similar or have any off cuts they might be able to sell.
Alternatively go in and see them and ask for off cutts or packing sheets - most adults area happy to help out decent young fellas with good intentions.
I know what it's like to be on a budget as I have a wife, three kids and a mortgage - when looking for fishing stuff always consider other alternatives. My 10 yr old daughter just bought a plastic tool box from K-mart which she uses as a tackle box - much cheaper and in her favourite colour. There is often a cross over with fishing/auto/camping etc. A little imagination can see huge savings.
If you want a sounder, I bought one on ausfish for $75...keep looking for bargains or post a thread asking if anyone has an old one in the garage they want to off load. Good luck with the fishing/saving up/fishing/saving up/fishing etc. It never ends but it's worth every cent.
Try rigning some formwork companies, they will sell you a sheet.
Good thread fellows.
Nice one Mowerman, very generous of you to make that offer to the young fellas.
I am about to inherit a small tinny from my dad and it needs a floor, so this is a beaut and timely thread, thank you !
I had enquired at Mister ply and wood and was told so long as the timber doesn't come in contact with, or is below the water line it doesn't need to be marine ply
If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?![]()
Illgo checkout some local stores,
Mowerman donated a few peices of ply which i am very grateful,
a couple f guys have offered to sell me a sounder for $80 but i think i might need to save a little more as i need a outboard and that is my first priority.
bream buster
If this hasn't been posted before hand (haven't read through all the posts on this thread), Marine Ply and stuctural ply are pretty much the same thing, the only difference is that marine ply (good marine ply that is) is usually made from hardwood, typically maple, some inferior quality stuff simply has a maple veneer, where as CD ply is just made from pine. However, the timber treatment, and glue used to make the ply are all the same ( I used to work in a timber yard and regularly came into contact with supplier reps who told me so). IMO CD Structural Ply is the go, less than half the price of marine ply (sometimes less than 1/3). Instead of using a marine varnish to seal, a product just as good it Bondcrete and much, much cheaper, just mix it with water, using 2:1 ratio, that is 2 parts water, 1 part bondcrete. Bondcrete is a commonly used wet area sealant used in bathrooms, kitchens etc, (also have done general labouring for tilers, sheeters, etc) basically its just a sort of woodglue that will cope with a lot of water. Failing that and exterior enamel (paint) will do the job just as well.
Last edited by Scott nthQld; 04-02-2008 at 02:40 PM.
Does anyone know how to seal structural ply wood.??
Would anyone like to tell me what type of material would be ideal and storng for making right angle brackets. This material has to be strong as it will be holding my casting deck inplace.
If you've got an hour to spare have a read of Going_phishing's thread at http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?t=66361. I think he is going to try and repost the photo's taken from the start later on tonight. He used structural ply with a waterbased exterior paint seal on all surfaces, and after 15+ months of overuse, his casting deck is still as good as when he built it! Good luck to all the young blokes attempting their own remodelling...you'll have a ball and you will feel like you have accomplished something just as Josh did.
Breambuster i cant send you pm's for some reason. I used bondall marine sealer which worked perfectly and you can pick it up from bunnings in the paint section. you just paint it on and your ready to go. i covered every edge and surface just to be sure. As for the ally bracket i used some box channel, L, or C. if you can get a hold of an ally welder that will make the job much easier and you know it will be tuff. for example i had Fisher boats do my welding and they were able to use the right products for the right job and not wing anything. So i was assured it was going to strong. If you dont want to get the welding done go to a boat buiulder and ask for some ally offcuts that they might want to give away or sell for a small price. i take it your going to carpet the deck? if so, ill have to check, but i might have some spare carpet from my job but im not sure. if i do you can have it no worries.
Last edited by crazboutfishin; 04-02-2008 at 05:27 PM.