Thought take the tinny to the GC seaway chasing kingies and jew we were really prepared
took the bait out the day b4 and scored a heap of live mullet!! Arrived at the seaway
monday around 3:30 am! Drifting livies till around 6:30 with not even a touch when we
seen some birds working jst 500m outside so we had a few casts with no avail! We decided
we would have a try on a few close reefs It was pretty cool we were in a 4.1 tinny and
there boats all around trolling for marlin the water temp was 26 c so we gave it a shot
while we were trolling we seen the water boiling they were tuna we chased them for a
while getting a few good casts right in there but still no luck!!! We kept trolling
keeping an eye out for more tuna when I seen a shark around 7-8 foot the big gear s
till had lures on them when i seen a fish tail out the corner of my eye I cast a jig
retrieved it as fast as i could, hoping it was a pelagic when we seen this little cobia
chasing it in he hit it right next to the boat it was pretty cool!!!after a little
fight i had him in the net he went hard but i only had light gear! a few photos and released him it was pretty small but still
my first cobia!!!!