Gday Nagg!
Has something changed? says:
A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act 1999 (the Act) is the legislative authority for general purpose payments. The Act builds on and incorporates, as a Schedule, the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Reform of Commonwealth-State Financial Relations (IGA). The IGA sets out the terms under which GST revenue is paid to the States. It was endorsed by the Commonwealth, State and Territory heads of government in June 1999.
The main features of the IGA are:
- the Commonwealth must pass all GST revenue (net of administrative costs) to the States
- the States may spend the GST as they wish
As to freshwater stocking: in Queensland we do pay a License fee to fish in stocked impoundments (eg Hinze Dam on the Gold Coast).
We have seen some improvement in facilities here on the Gold Coast since I have been herein the past ten years (Grand Hotel ramp, Sundale Bridge ramp and the Spit Ramps that I know of). However, with Council elections only a few weeks away , the fishermen seem very quiet here on the Gold Coast on pushing their cause to Council.
Ray De R