how to test resitance of coils?
how to test resitance of coils?
no goo black observed
The 2 diagrams that I e-mailed to you show the procedure to check both of them
ok - resistance = voltage. i get it.
i did follow those procedures and want to know what difference between a large drop and a small drop - they procedures refer to...?
Are you refering to checking the stator coil in the flywheel or checking the rectifier?
you are checking the diodes in the rectifier
They should let current flow in one direction but not in the other
Multimeter should be on high ohms setting, and you will get a high reading between 2 wires and if you reverse the test leads you will get a low reading if the diodes are ok
What were the results of your testing of the rectifier?
stand by..................
Does the taco work matey??
That's a sign that the rectifier/regulator is on the fritz.
Just a sign though mind you and no way conclusive.
I intend on living far so good
How to tell if tacho is not workign properly?
I will provide results from rectifier diodes wihtin next 15 mins.
+ -
Yellow/Grey 0.048 0.004
Yellow 0.015 0.030
Red 0.033 0.030
Red + Yellow/grey 0.026 0.003
Red + Yellow 0 0
Engine ground--- Yellow/Grey lead 0.048 0.004
Engine Ground --- Yellow Lead 0.030 0.015
Red Lead---Yellow/Grey Lead 0.026 0.003
Red ---Yellow ????????????????
Is this your result. Something not right with Red and Yellow leads
What scale where you using for the high ohms test?
Last edited by station-rat; 04-02-2008 at 07:21 PM.
OK boys, those first readings were crap - please ignore.
Here is my next set (DC setting and mV) :
Yellow/grey 5.7 -0.4
Yellow 2.6 -0.3
Red 6.9 -0.4
Red & yellow/grey 1.0 -1.4
Red & Yellow 3.0 -1.1
Finga - Needle moves on tacho.