Take note of the above highlighted section. Now read this again.
The ones that you can't reasonably discuss with, are either those dole bludging tree huggers who have never done a days work in their life.................pardon me............correction..........professional students, or else they're the "yuppy" fringe sect.
You know where you are with the other mob............you cut their climbing ropes, confiscate their karibiners, give 'em a bath, and send 'em on their way. You can even demonstrate to them that development is the problem, not the incidental encroachment of individual/s. Invariably, tree huggers come from working class backgrounds and are simply looking for a cause to justify their existence.
Now the yuppy fringe sect on the other hand, are a force to be reckoned with, and should not be dismissed easily. In most of the cases, they live on waterfront, or acreage (provided for by daddy) and have gardening services looking after their yard. They fail to see what they possess and how they arrived at that possession........hell! .........they can't even maintain it and get some other bugger to do it.
At sometime in their lives they have been attracted to a "lunatic fringe" at their UNI, merely because everything for them, has fell into place so easily (via daddy), that they are bored out of their skulls and need to focus their energies somewhere else. They have been in partnership with the tree huggers, but see them as rather "juvenile, amateurish, and vulgar"
So where do the "yupopy fringe" focus their energies? Not at the Captains of Industries, or the Developer who gave the yuppy fringe the opportunity to live such an idyllic (if somewhat boring) lifestyle...........they focus it at "inferiors" ...................If daddy's mates fished, they wouldn't say boo to a goose, but daddy is too busy driving his 34ft Bermuda, Bertram, or similar, up and down the pin, and in the process decreasing Crusoe island to a shadow of it's original size! They discuss ways of destroying our way of life, merely because our way of life is of no consequence to them. They don't fish, they just cruise and pose. Forget the tree huggers........they get the publicity, and nothing more. The average voter is appalled at their behaviour. The likes of Daphne though, are another matter. She's clean, conservative, and acceptable, and little Ms granny voter might just fall for her
They're spoilt, they're class conscious, they're bored, they're misguided, and sadly, they ain't got what our kids have got, but they're coming to a Uni near you (as the saying goes), so look out for 'em. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and these young "cause fighters" have just that, and only that, "A little knowledge". That said, because they're "clean", the average voter can be taken in by 'em. Tree huggers are your friend............they turn mainstream voters off, the likes of Daphne and her ilk though, are a force to be reckoned with...........unless we expose 'em.
Daphne has actually exposed herself. If she were a politician looking for credibility, one would only have to point the electorate in the direction of her website. I think the majority of Oz voters would see her as "alternative" and despite your laid back lifestyle, my opinion of the average Australian voter is such that I consider the majority vote to be pretty conservative (even the Labour vote)
Talk about 'rash' generalisations! This is our biggest problem. 'We' dont know our enemy. If you think this is what we're up against, I think you're dead wrong.
Lefty- this was a thread about Daphne and the article she wrote. Unless you are actually her, all you have done is come in and made it all about you. The above statements "our biggest problem" and "our enemy", are you!!
Bye Bye.
lefty Green, you have some bloody issues stop complaining about the daddy money and get of your arse and a have a go, like we all do you are bloke who wants to whinge about your misfortune and blame everyone else about your inability to do something constructive in this world, on ya lefty sit onya hands and whine like a dingo
Barker Transport Logistic ServicesTransport Solutions for Every Job
For a fantastic adventure: www.mvwaiben.com
So you're stating that we're not up against those types that I attempt to illustrate in the above? That those "stereotypes" are not our most dangerous opponents/detractors? That those stereotypicals are "dwarfed" by some other more dangerous "type" who the rec fisher, and myself in particular, is not aware of? I'm not trying to put words in your mouth here, just asking you to explain why you think the above is a generalisation, and even if that were so, why that indicates that you think that we are not aware of the "real" enemy.
Would you care to enlighten us/me, or do you feel that would be a worthless exercise, seeing as you state, "I've got you pegged" and that you may assume that this is just me exercising my "gift of the gab" yet again?
Please excuse my paraphrasing you above as it serves merely to illustrate that despite your previous attempt at an apology, you use this thread yet again, to personalise the issue and attack those individuals who oppose you, rather than debate their arguments.
See my breeder fish photography here: https://kevindickinsonfineartphot.sm...opical-Fish-2/
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.
Frankly Kev, if you think that all of the people working for the EPA live on waterfront, or acreage (provided for by daddy) and have gardening services looking after their yard or that they are bored out of their skulls and need to focus their energies somewhere else or they have been attracted to a "lunatic fringe" at their UNI, merely because everything for them, has fell into place so easily (via daddy), you're dead wrong. Granted there are some that have had it easy (I'm sure there are a few rec fishers that got a boat from "daddy" or a car from "daddy" - people in glass houses, etc and how is wealth relevant anyway?), but I reckon that quite alot are people that have grown up with some environmental consciousness aren't rich and weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouths as you would suggest. We live in a different age - recycling, global warming, etc - younger generations are being taught this stuff. Unlike you and I who have had to learn about it gradually, while our generation have been responsible for the problems. This generation of 18-25 y.o. are fully aware of the environmental problems the world faces and they are the ones that will be forced to fix what our generation has done. I'm environmentally aware and my "daddy" didn't put me through uni. I never had no acreage or a gardener - I did it myself and I dont think i'm the only one. People that care for the environment aren't necessarily rich, they just want to help the environment. They are just as passionate about that as you are about fishing - look at Steve Irwin and the tsunami of environmental awareness he started. He was as green as you can get.
To brand environmentalists as yuppies is just plain naive and I'm sure when you re-read your post, you will realise that it was dismissive and pretentious.
But thats my opinion and as it differs from yours I'm sure I'll cop a bit of flack from a few of your mates - but such is life. If everyone had the same opinion about everything it'd be a boring place to be!
Last edited by lefty-green; 05-02-2008 at 08:17 PM.
There's something to the characterisation lefty-green. And I think it was a bit of tounge in check fun after the journalist characterised us. Have a look where the Green vote lies. It is strongest in inner city areas where the natural environment is obliterated. No doubt a lot of their policies are designed to absolve the conscience of these urban dwellers.
Lefty..please tell me what our generation have done wrong..unless of course you believe stuff like Al Gore's movie...as for Steve irwin..I better state my thoughts on that here.
Let me see what our generaton has given...the internet, better and safer modes of transport, better & safer working conditions, massive advances in medical science, plus a lot of BS about man made global warming...seems just like the Y2K bug..lots of money made by lots of people for nothing..seems all so familiar. I make no apologies for anything my generation has done because I know that my kids have a better lifestyle because of it. If I (daddy) can give my kids things I did not have then I am going to do it...once again no apologies for that...what our generation has given is a ridiculous sense of fear..fear that the world is doomed due to some BS about man made global warming..fear about oil reserves drying up...fear of this and fear of that...not many are game to take a punt in life now and there goes the future entrepeneurs and visionaries...sad but true.
If I (daddy) can give my kids things I did not have then I am going to do it...once again no apologies for that
Well if Kev's logic is true, then you're kids are gunna be greenies, mate.
BS about man-made global warming? what has to happen before people are aware that there is a problem. Even John Howard admitted that humans are responsible for global warming and he denied and denied til he was blue in the face. Get your head out of the sand and believe that global warming is here.
Fear about oil reserves drying up - do you think that the amount of oil is infinite? It can go on forever? Wrong!
All those things that you think have given your kids a better lifestyle - industrialisation, etc has contributed to climate change - more cars, more burnt fossil fuels through electricity consumption, etc your kids are going to have to invent new ways of powering homes and motor vehicles. You may not believe it but they do. Wind, solar, nuclear, whatever people that your kids' ages now will have to come up with something efficient and cheap. Why is their lifestyle better than your great grandfathers (apart from medical advancements)? Was your great grandfather unhappy cos he had to row his boat or ride a horse to work? Lot less to worry about those days I'm thinking!
As for the internet - well it can be good, but it can also be pretty bad too, you would have to agree?
Last edited by lefty-green; 05-02-2008 at 10:16 PM.
Im disappointed you haven't mentioned cybonic implants yet? ps interested when you reckon the worlds going to end ?
Also Lefty do you have a Malvern Star or a Holden? do you have candles or electricity? pen or internet? a rather inconvenient ignorance/twisting of history and you take advantage of it by being on this forum.
Tangles KFC
Lefty Lefty Lefty,
Your arrogance , naievty or Sh&*t stirring amazes me and challenges my intellect.
Global warming is not new, the Katherine Gorge was not cut by the recent wet season, the beautiful landscapes of Kakadu, the seven apostles, the three sisters was all a result of global warming many eons ago we are merely travellers through the changes of this environment, geeze Lefty, didn't we throw an Ice age in the mix as well??
Barker Transport Logistic ServicesTransport Solutions for Every Job
For a fantastic adventure: www.mvwaiben.com
LOL Brew..the fear merchants amongst us do not want to look at historical facts...nor even think it may just be cyclical temp changes in the world's cycles..just like the doom and gloom in the 70's..we were all going to freeze to death then...shock horror..global cooling was the catch cry then..and..they got it all wrong.
Gees 8 pages and yoooou alllllll still havent resolved the deeeeebate ?????
First off Lefty, I didn't mention the EPA and secondly, I didn't class all environmentalists as yuppies, in fact, I mentioned two "stereotypes" and nowhere did I say that these were the only types. I said:
"The ones that you can't reasonably discuss with, are either those dole bludging tree huggers who have never done a days work in their life.................pardon me............correction..........professional students, or else they're the "yuppy" fringe sect."
I mentioned two types with whom, it could be expected, that a reasonable discussion could not take place. Once again, you've missed the point.
Your statement, "This generation of 18-25 y.o. are fully aware of the environmental problems the world faces" is irrelevant. Just because they are fully aware, doesn't mean that they would act on it, and certainly doesn't exclude them from joining any "lunatic fringe" if they did want to act on it. In fact, I would put it to you, (and this may sound like another generalisation), that it is precisely because of their youth and inexperience, that they are more likely to join a "fringe group" than are the older generation. Youth, with their "need to belong", their dissilusionment with their lot, their juvenile attitude that they can put the world to rights, their often voiced resentment of their elders, and in particular, this current generation with their total disregard for authority, make easy pickings for those who wish to turn them into "subversives". I bet you can count on one hand the number of suicide bombers and folk hanging from trees, over the age of 25.
It is not the foot soldiers that we should be worried about but those who put the bloody ideas into their heads in the first place. Likewise, we should be aware of the older person (voter) who is likely to fall for some of the claptrap.
Isn't this what this thread was about in the first place............pretentious, self-serving Daphne Dumbell, putting ideas into people's heads by spouting bloody rubbish, and the Courier Mail, likewise doing the same.
Any fool, even a self-labelled environmentalist should be able to recognise that the folk more likely to practice conservation are those who are more aware, and I put it to you that recreational fishos are more aware than most. Attacks on rec fishers as a whole, are self defeating and downright bloody stupid.
As I said, forget the tree huggers, they are simply the misguided foot soldiers just as are the suicide bombers.................dangerous nevertheless but not the real problem. The real problem is their "masters" who manipulate them into "voicing" their dissillusionment via actions that are undemocratic and anti-social. Their masters seek power through manipulation, subterfuge, and mobilisation of the foot soldiers and they obtain far more power and attention than their minority representation warrants. That's the way it has always been with the leaders of minority Parties, be it Franco's Fascists, Hitler's Nazis, or the Greens. If you can't get power via the ballot box, pursue your agenda some other way.........bigger fools the established democratic authority for allowing them that representation via bodies such as the EPA
Last edited by kingtin; 06-02-2008 at 10:25 AM.
See my breeder fish photography here: https://kevindickinsonfineartphot.sm...opical-Fish-2/
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.