After a week on the tweed with the wind howling, I had plenty of time for thinking about my "investment" in fishing
What I'd like to hear is your thoughts as to whether you have doubts about the money that you've got sunk into your hobby and the other factors that may influence your thoughts on fishing via boat. Is it still a viable proposition (or not) and is it getting to be more worry than it's worth?
My situation as you may well know is that I have over 80 grand invested in a whittley sea legend that has only clocked up 96 hrs in over 2 yrs. If I sold it, I'd probably come out with 65 grand. I reckon that I've done 30 trips at the most which in depreciation terms alone is costing me 500 bucks a trip. Even if I don't use it, Insurance, regos, servicing etc is costing me 40 bucks a week just to have it sitting on the drive. Now it isn't so much that I need the money for something else because fishing/camping is just about all I do..........I don't really have a need for anything else, it's more about (I think?) whether fishing is giving me today, what it used to give to me in the past?......... That's the money thoughts out of the way, now for other factors that come into play:
Petrol...............'nuff said!
Weather..........'nuff said!
Ramp rage...........'nuff said!
Jet skis.............after trying to fish from the shore at the Tweed..........'nuff said!
Closures.............well we all know how we feel about that!
Maintenance.................wheel bearings etc ? Do you all like buggering about with grease?
Vandalism.................Do you really totally relax when you're out there?
Overnighters.............Did you envisage spending nights at Tangalooma or elsewhere, but worry about the above so don't go?
Family..............sea sick members etc.........I'm the only one that doesn't get sick in my mob
Health...........There's a fairly large number of zipper club members here and also quite a few knackered backs. Can you/we/I afford to have the worries of the factors mentioned here or do you/we/I manage to totally switch off to these factors and simply concentrate on having "time out" fishing? I'm beginning to think that these factors are becoming more predominant (in my case), otherwise I wouldn't have started this thread
I'm thinking that perhaps I get more out of the tinny than I do out of the whittley, and that maybe all the factors that I have been thinking of may eventually conspire to put the Whittley to rest?
Any other factors that I haven't mentioned, that detract from your fishing?