Wednesday morning, got up early and decided to go and get some live bait before the wind got up too much, I got about 10 herring in the first throw and decided that it was enough for a quick morning fish on the incoming tide, so I arrive at my spot, I thread the first herring onto my hook and toss him into the water about a meter in front of me, and straight away BANG im on, this thing took off like a steam train heading straight down the creek, so im off after it not knowing if or when it was going to stop, after about 50 metres , my line goes slack and I thought bugger, he has spat the hook, so I start winding in my line , then I realize im still on, but hes running straight at me, so I start winding like a crazy man, until I get some tension back on the line, he is up and down the creek like a crazy man, after nearly 10 minutes of running up and down, back and forward, I get my first glimpse, of his fins, so I was thinking queenie, cause ive been catching a few in this area lately , but this was about twice the size of the ones ive been catching, so a few more minutes of give and take and I finally bring him up to the shore and beach him a beautiful spotted travelly , around 70cm+ I was too far from my gear to go back and get the camera, so I unhooked him placed him back in the water, started getting some water over his gills and with a quick tail flick he was gone, spent the rest of the day fishing, with only one more queenie and a mate got a 70cm+ flattie that was released aswell cant wait til my days off next week.
cheers bennykenny![]()