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Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns? - Page 3
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Thread: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

  1. #31

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    I'll try to find out the name of that relaxant.
    I'm no fan of sleeping pills (or any drugs) However , While I was down with my back injury & after 3 weeks of sleep deprivation ( no sleep at all) I asked my doctor for something! .... & I got the pills! It was a big help ... with no knock out effect ... Worked a treat!
    PS ..... I'm going to look for something from a Herbalist ( No ... not pot ) before I do my next big trip!
    They are typical in hospitals for people who need a gentle push to sleep I understand, and look like little soft footballs with liquid inside, if your doctor plays blank when you ask him about them, he is bluffing you.

    cheers fnq

  2. #32

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    By the way, when I had my sleeping problems the doctor prescribed me 2 different types of pills, coincidentally they are the ones Heath Ledger was on.
    DO NOT ever accept a script for Stillnox, it is bloody terrible stuff, I mean I 'experimented' as a young man, and I can tell you, Stillnox has worse side affects that "herbs". I was a zombie most mornings and it just did not feel like you had been sleeping, more like you'd come out of a coma.

    I found the Zinc and magnesium per my comment above, far better, and upping the exercise helps at the end of the day..

    Now if I could just go fishing I could give you some input on how it goes
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  3. #33

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Ah me!

    My gut is aching with laughter but LoneWolf your comments are without doubt the pick of them. Constant sleep deprivation - I really like that idea!!

    Pinhead, 4-5 hours of sleep a night every night. If only, I wish!

    My morning's are VERY slow so I fish in the envenings, quite often til around 11-1. Especially up here: NQLD heat and humidity hurts me more nowdays that it used to but, luckily the fish seem to feel likewise so we all agree to do it when the sun goes down.

    Very accommodating of them, actually.

    Late nights equal slower mornings equal later sleeps equal later nights etc, etc. Like you LW, my hours are 'flexible' so moving them around to suit fishing has been good except every now and then when the itch just has to be scratched often, I suddenly come to end of my wick. And oops, the late morning becomes an early afternoon, if get my ZZZZ .... sorry, drift.

    Nigelr, I find myself contemplating your option - just need to rewire the sleeping pattern. I'm absolutely hopeless at getting to sleep early, especially if I'm fishing in the morning.

    These things are sent to test us but, we must be STRONG or fail in the attempt!


  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    after working all week then fishing for about 24hrs in a weekend it certainily stuffs my sleep for about another week

  5. #35

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Just read the rest of the posts (I couldn't get off page 1 without a comment).

    And yes, I usually take a little helper if I have an early start and want to get to sleep earlier and I guess sometimes when I get back late and the fishing's been a bit too action-packed. I found stilnox was great but weird things would happen 1-2 days later. Going to go on Zinc/Magnesium as I'd heard elsewhere that they're a good habit to get into.


  6. #36

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Hi all

    No remedies to name ,,, perhaps a dunk in the fountain of youth. When we were all younger we could party all night, sleep half the day and party all night again, thats the week days and party the whole weekend.

    As we've got older we seem to work all day and half the night, sleep a little and work some more. ITS AGE Catching up on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. #37

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Maybe it responsibilities catching up on you!!


  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member Nico.d.R's Avatar
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    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    I dont reckomend V , they are addictive well for me they are , i was drinking 3-4 bottles a day to get threw work after fishing and late nights , I went to the doctor because my heart beat was going all over the shop it would beat fast than slow then fast and slow even get pauses some times , the doctor said it was caused from V and told me to stop drinking it , but i still have atleast 1 a day . Maybe i need to go to V . A meetings . well i might go and lay on the couch before tonights fishing trip

  9. #39

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    I don't have any real problems with the sleep pattern, I could not sleep a wink all night and go fishing all day, and still not get to sleep before 12 that night. But then again, I am 22 and late nights/Early morning are no stranger to me. Often I've gone out all night, gotten home just on sun up, hitched the boat and gone fishing all day, and get the best night's sleep after that. If I do happen to be real tired before an early morning fishing session, a sudafed (non drowsy of course) and a can of redbull gives me a good kickstart to the day that just keeps going as long as I drink plenty of water (which is no problem cos I usually find that I drink 2-3L during the trip), but I don't have to do that very often, usually only after I've had a big weekend and haven't had any sleep for the last 2-3 days. But if anything catches up with me here its the heat and humidity, it really takes it out of me, and at this time of year, I can't really just jump over the side for a dip because of the stingers (when I'm out of the creeks that is, I wouldn't dream of doing that i any of our local creeks).

  10. #40

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Quote Originally Posted by FNQCairns View Post
    They are typical in hospitals for people who need a gentle push to sleep I understand, and look like little soft footballs with liquid inside, if your doctor plays blank when you ask him about them, he is bluffing you.

    cheers fnq
    you are talking about temazepam, don't think you get the "footballs" anymore, people sucking out the liquid and injecting it nasty results, they probably crush the tablets nowdays

    i personally would avoid sedatives and antihistamines- they knock you out but don't give proper sleep.

    after 15 years of shiftwork, i found a kip in the arvo and a cup of coffe early in the night and around midnight kept me going

    remember- people die in bed, soy you are better off fishing


  11. #41

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Improving fitness and controlling food intake are the keys to all this.

    All the stimulants and sedatives have their side effects & I think we all agree are best avoided if possible.

    I have always worked and played weird and irreguar hours.....A few years ago I was concerned that I was getting drousy in the afternoons and lacked energy at times.....I spoke to the quack & had all the various tests for diabeties and other stuff done...... nothing.

    I was speaking to a mate who is at least 15 years older than me and fit & healty with lots of energy, he put me onto this control of food thing & it works.

    The solution to the afternoon drousies....... eat a small lunch low in carbs and wont suffer the blood sugar rebound that causes the drousies.

    Its all about controlling blood sugar.

    there is a bloke called "Barry Sears" who wrote a series of books starting with "Enter the zone", he explains much of the concepts in his books....while I don't agree that all he says is practical.....I do agree that the most powerfull drug you can take is food.

    You can very strongly influence your metabolism by controlling what & when you eat......we arent talking any thing weird.... just normal healthy food.... but the key is what & when.

    Barry Sears comes down very hard on caffene and explains much of the mehanics of what & how it works.
    His books are realy worth a read.... many of them are in your local libruary.

    Caffene can realy do whacky things in large doses and there are large amounts in the so called "energy drinks".
    Yep there are both long & short term problems with high dose caffene.

    I know about people ending up on dyalisis.....thats what my wife does for a living.
    While you would have to be consuming very heavily to get kidney failure, kidney stones are a very real posibility.
    A mate of mine was a 2 litre a day coke man & he drank coffee as well...... he had kidney stones at 26......there are other tannins & resins in all cafenated drinks that can easily turn ito stones.

    If you have high blood preasure or even mild heart problems stay right away from high dose caffene, it rases the blood preasure almost immediately which can remain high as a result fo quite some time. Greatly increased riskm of heart attack, stroke & related misfortune. Can also cause heart palpitations in even the young & healthy.

    High doses of cafene can also cause a variety of sleep disturbences and agressive mood swings that can last several days.

    Of course increased thirst and frequency of urination.

    I can see why there is quite some concern about these drinks especilay being consumed by children who have a lower body mass & there for a higher dosage rate.

    High dose caffene is a very high cost stimulant.

    If you want to sleep, 10 to 15 minutes of vigorus exercise followed by a mug of hot chocolate made on low fat milk take a lot of beating.
    Of course there is a special sort of exercise that works best ......have the milk first...... you'll need the energy


  12. #42
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    Quote Originally Posted by oldboot View Post
    Of course there is a special sort of exercise that works best

    Well I don't sleep well at all so your statement may well fully illustrate the fact that my treadmill is broken................I must get her fixed somehow


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  13. #43

    Re: Does night fishing mess up your sleep patterns?

    I also did some reading up on Taurine, the ingredient in red bull, and other energy drinks. Apparently taurine is natrually present in healthy bodies as an amino acid. Its not usually a problem - even overdoses of it are removed natrually, but its an issue if you already have kidney problems. taurine trials on kidney patients caused massive problems, and the trials were abandoned as unsafe. Some countries require energy drinks to carry warning labels to kidney sufferers.

    They seem ok to people who are normal and healthy tho. As does 32 mg of caffiene, IF you understand your caffiene levels. Ive always drunk 2 cups of coffee per day, but I also drink a lot of water, and carry it anywhere I go. Im heading towards 1 coffee per day now, and dropping energy drinks from my night fishing sessions.

    I agree that fitness and diet are the most important issues. And of course, time on the water!!!! After a friend of mine died at 52 from the big C, I vowed to fish more often and enjoy life.


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