Yes it has a spool lock and a longer/beefier handle
Yes it has a spool lock and a longer/beefier handle
im begining to become aroused.I cant look any more
If you are becoming aroused this will bring you back to earth with a thump. Check out the price japan tackle is selling the new Stella the price is in US dollars and it looks like the japanese domestic Stella no longer comes with a spare spool
8000-10000 stella $1047USD around $1170AUD
18000-20000 stella $1142USD around $1275AUD
But you get free shipping
I agree with what your saying about the geary feeling when winding some daiwa reels, but i think the fact that when you put most of the mid to high end daiwas under load they become smooth as silk makes up for it for me.
Never tested a stella or many other high end shimano reels under load but i bet the stella would feel just as smooth winching in a small killer whale as it does just free spinning (would want to for the price). However i did fish with a stradic 3000 the other week and got a huge ray on and it did its job but when under heavy load for like 5 minutes solid the thing was getting a hell of a lot rougher and had the geary feeling going on to the max...... still did its job tho.
Last edited by Luke mcleod; 09-02-2008 at 05:02 PM.
Does anyone know where we can purchase these new stellas?
You would have to be nuts not to have one of these new stella's.I reality you should buy two cause you never know..
How the hell is any average wage earner with a morguage and kids ever going to afford one of these
you might have to cut out all those luxury items like food.: try eating your lawn and in no time the savings will rack up to a new stella!!
Or just send your missus out to get a second/third job.
Last edited by themissus; 11-04-2008 at 01:53 PM.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
I've been trying to sell my saltiga spinner and no one seems to be able to come up with the money.So hows the sales of a $1200 reel in this country going to go.??
I had a play with one of them "jiggers" in a shop here in signapore this week....A VERY nice bit of kit 4 sure. $ was to much 4 me though.