just some pics of my latest weave of a dragon 160 design threads *500 wrap threads not filled rolled or packed yet
just some pics of my latest weave of a dragon 160 design threads *500 wrap threads not filled rolled or packed yet
That looks really good, mine was not as many threads or wrap threads and I can see the difference in the detail. What size rod did you but that one on must have been a biggen.
i wrapped it on the but end of a fsu 5120
Very nice young fella.
I'm going to have to learn how to do that one day.
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
Ryan did you end up getting the wonder weave and if so did you use it on this one?
I got one and I have to tell you it has to be the second best investment I made when it comes to weaving.
i didnt buy a wonder weaver just made my own
Last edited by walldog; 22-01-2008 at 12:24 PM. Reason: spulling
There are 10 types of people in this world
"those that understand binary and those that don't"
Looks really good Ryan, although the photo's are a bit blurry.
I'm glad you like the program, thanks for your email.
If you take some measurements from your weave and compare them to what the theoretical numbers were, you can make adjustments to the figures so that it reflects how you weave.
How many hours in that sucker?
The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)
Absoluley spectaculer
cant wait to see the finished item
Do or do not ,
there is no try.
- Yoda
spectacular job Ryan !!! wish i had the time to go nuts on a weave that big...might get around to it 1 winter... and 2 thumbs up for the home made jig...did the same myself and still use it...
thanks for all the comment guys
Beautiful work Ryan. Very Hiro Tanaka in style. Lots of hours in that one.
Outback Rods
Wow - I have never come into this part of the forum before and now I will keep visiting. That is amazing.
I have a lot of admiration for those of you who have this skill and patience.