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Thread: First Jack

  1. #1

    Smile First Jack

    Hi guys,

    finally after all the time and effort i put in and reading these forums for clues and tips i actually landed one of these things it was my fourth hook up to a jack but i actually got this one to the boat the first three took me and my gear for a ride laughing all the way. I fish a small river system in northern NSW and i have to hire a boat to get to most spots where i can catch them so its a bit of time and money for this species of fish but its all worth it now only a little guy 38cm but still fun.

    thanks for all the helpfull posts


  2. #2

    Re: First Jack

    well done , gotta be happy with that! persistence pays off.

  3. #3

    Re: First Jack

    Congrads mate, still a nice fish Cheers

  4. #4

    Re: First Jack

    Well done Sam, your 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th will all be easier now since you've got your eye in. Might be cheaper in the long run to buy a boat.
    "We gave Howard the Arse now we have to fix Rudd"
    "Now we have to sort Gillard" F@?k me RUDD again
    Abbott and Newman what a great next few years "NOT"

  5. #5

    Re: First Jack


    Congrats on landing your first Jack - hopefully many more to follow. They are an extremely addictive fish that lead to countless sleepless nights and large tackle collections!

    What did the damage - bait or lure (and if lure, what type)?



  6. #6

    Re: First Jack

    Good first Jack, Lure or Bait?


  7. #7

    Re: First Jack

    Congrats mate - nice fish. I am in the same boat as you, I have only had 2 on this season and they both caught me napping and took my gear into the sticks.

    I will still try to catch up to you though

  8. #8

    Re: First Jack


    I for one am envious and still trying to get my first.

    Hope there are many more to follow,


  9. #9

    Re: First Jack

    Good job mate, yet to get one myself. I am located in byron to and normally fish the richmond but that wont be happening for some time. I think i will be hitting the bruns a bit and chasing a few jacks myself. I have a boat mate and are always looking for deckies. I think we may have a mutal frind by the name of ben.
    I hear you are not doing to bad on the jewies under the light house?
    Jewie (Matt)

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: First Jack

    Congratulations Samburley on your first jack.Thumbs up for putting in the effort

  11. #11

    Re: First Jack

    Congrats mate nice fish . Jack are my favorite sport fish its great feeling to land a first fish or a pb, now you just have to try and improve on it and keep getin bigger ones.What did he measure

  12. #12

    Re: First Jack

    good on you !
    Ive been trying for a long time cant wait till i get my first.
    You must be so proud....
    I bet your heart was pumping so fast with the anticipation of getting it to the boat and landing it..NICE ONE

  13. #13

    Re: First Jack

    Well done Sam, that's a great result!

    There's nothing that beats the feeling of getting a new target species when you've put in the time and effort.

    I reckon that's the ultimate in fishing, regardless of the species, sometimes the longer you have to wait the sweeter the victory is in the end.


  14. #14

    Re: First Jack

    thanks guys,

    yeah i got him on a gold bomber 14a 80mm 3m diver. i went back to the spot and live baited it and managed my new pb jack 45cm on the brag matt on live herring sorry no pic as my mate is the camera man and i'm yet to get one but there was a lacal lad to witness hahaha. also got bricked that night buy a bigger one almost pulled me to my knees, like they say get one they all start to come, going again tonight but borrownig a cam this tim and see how i go.

    now ADDICTED.

  15. #15

    Re: First Jack

    wow an upgrade allready - you have got the bug bad

    Congrats again and good luck next time

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